Chapter 13: the way back (in time)

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Jake, Yang, Lily, Olivia, and Zarya walked around the maze that was Chronos ship, moving for what seemed like ages, at last they were at what looked like a hanger, thousands of metallic spheroids lined the hanger, each had a sign that dictated what team it went to depending on their letter

Zarya: alright then, let's find ours and get out of here

Jake: well there it is right there (points to a ship labeled with an S) honestly how could you miss it

they walked over to it, instantly a door opened and stairs that seemed to float in the air lead them into the spheroid, which had an air of comfort. paintings hung in the hallway in which they were passing by, different rooms for Just about anything were in arms reach, and at the very front was the bridge

lily: woah

Jake: I know, it's going to take me ages just to find the bathroom around here

D.A.N.I.E.L: hello everyone

suddenly a giant holographic head appeared in the center of the bridge

Jake: D.A.N.I.E.L?!

Sombra: you know this guy?

D.A.N.I.E.L: technically I'm not a guy, I am a digital assistant nano infused Ethernet life form, D.A.N.I.E.L for short. Anyway I'm happy to see you all, I have been waiting for quite some time

Jake: I'm sorry, what?

D.A.N.I.E.L: please take your seats, I will fire up the quantum engine

Olivia, Yang, Zarya, and Lily got into their seats and buckled up, but Jake stood where he stood

Jake: what do you mean you have been waiting for us?

D.A.N.I.E.L: you five are the only people who can stop chronos, and I would do anything for you, time travel commencing in 30 seconds

jake: why? why of all people would you do anything for me?

D.A.N.I.E.L: because you created me, time travel commencing in 10 seconds

Jake stood there confused, but quickly got in his seat just in time for the ship to spin very fast, the in a flash, they where gone
Chronos POV

My eyes fluttered open, the hole when Jake had drove his sword in me was gone, I got up with pure anger in my thoughts

Chronos: curse him, he's a lot stronger than I thought he would be, but how though, he's Just a normal boy, no matter, I know where he is going. Celestia

A little girl came over to me, the same little girl that helped Jake and his pothetic friends get into the search room. My daughter

Celestia: yes father

Chronos: Jake and the others are going back in time to try and stop me, take us back 30 years so we can confront them

She did what I told her, and away we went, back to where it all began

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