chapter 8: the man behind the mask part 1

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3 days til project: rebirth

We had Just exited the weird screen room, now everything was starting to make sense, the so called god chronos mentioned earlier was himself the whole time, now all we have to do was find him and get the answers

Jake: okay here's my plan, we ask the others if they've heard of chronos, and if so then ask them if they know where he is

Sombra: sounds good to me

Zarya: I'm in

Jake: great, we meet back together and go over what we learned

We all walked off in our different directions, thump thump thump thump goes a feeling in my head, no one else could hear the noise that was for sure, jeez okay now it was getting louder, I covered my ears just to make it stop but it just kept coming, louder and faster than the last

Jake: just STOP

It was finally silent as I uncovered my ears and opened my eyes

Jake: Oh man, at last it sto- what the heck?!

The ground below me had disappeared and was replaced with an endless void, but it wasn't the void the that was astonishing, it was the view in front of me. Thousands of spheres went in every direction, and inside those spheres were others spheres, only smaller and more colorful

Jake: what is this?

???: Jake please help me

Wait that voice, it sounds so familiar

Jake: hello, who else is there

Chronos: you couldn't save her, and you never will

Before my eyes the giant spheres vanished one by one, leaving nothing but complete darkness

Chrono soldier #14: hey, snap out of it

I was back in that place again, a chrono soldier was in front of me, along with all my friends

Jake: Oh hey guys, did any of you see that?

Zarya: see what? The only thing that you were doing was just standing there. you were sort of like all mesmerized or something

That was strange

Jake: and what is he doing here

Chrono soldier #14: you and your teams presence are required, our Lord would like to have a word with you

Jake: you mean chronos

Chrono soldier #14: yes, now if you will please follow me

We all began to follow him. That whatever it was I was saying got me thinking, those words never even came out of my mouth, time is obviously meant to be chronos, but what was the key to fate, it didn't seem to ring a bell, then there was part about five heroes opening the quantum gate, man this was going to be confusing.

We had arrived at a automatic double, guarded by two chrono soldiers

Chrono soldier #14: here we are, now go in

We went through and saw glass cases with thing you would not believe

Yang: whoa, look at all this stuff

Sombra: yeah, it is pretty impressive

Zarya: right, I don't even know what half this stuff is and it still looks cool

Lily: what do you think Jake?

I was looking at a case in particular, it had a green Jacket and a pair of Jeans in it, I had a strange feeling that I had seen them before, then it hit me, I had seen these before, they were my clothes, but if my stuff was here then that would mean...

Jake: guys, I got a bad feeling about this

Chronos: do you like my treasures?

A hooded man stepped from the shadows, it was him

Chronos: these are the things that I have collected throughout my life time

Jake: chronos

Chronos: the one and only

He looked just as he did in the video footage, black hood and a mask covering his face, what lies behind that mask I thought to myself

Jake: take off the mask.

Chronos: I would but no, you could not look upon my face without it haunting you for eternity, and even before you say it I know what your going to say, follow

He strolled to the biggest window I have ever seen, looking out it I saw the same thing I saw in my whatever it was, tiny spheres of green and blue inside an even bigger sphere

Chronos: what you see is called the omniverse (author speaking: not to be confused with Ben 10 omniverse, this is completely different) like the tiny multiverse that are inside each one, the omniverse is infinite, and each as its own rules, yes it quite amazing isn't it. Which is why I'm going to destroy it

Wait what the what

Chronos: once the old omniverse is gone, I will build a new one, one that will be under my control

Jake: wait hold on a sec, you can't destroy the omniverse, our families are, you destroy it, you destroy any chance of us seeing them again

Chronos: why would I care about your families, to me they are nothing more than little atoms, they're pathetic lives are nothing to me

I snapped at that moment, grabbing chronos by the collar of his cloak

Jake: listen here and listen good, I don't care if you are a god of time, you are going to undo what you did to us and tell us why

Chronos: heh heh heh heh, oh Jake, we have done this very same thing before, you recall right?

The dream I had, where the hero was fighting the villain

Jake: tell me what happened.

Lily: Jake, calm down your getting a little bit

Jake: SHUT IT!

She backed up terrified, keeping quiet

Jake: Talk. Now.

Chronos: you were coming home to see your father and mother, but you were too late, by that time I obliterated thousands of buildings, millions of lives taken in the blink of an eye, and you could only watch helplessly. As I took your mothers life

I let go of his cloak and smashed my fist into his mask, making him hit his back against his throne, landing with a thump. The fragments of his mask lay at my feet

Jake: now you have nothing left to hide behind

Chronos lifted himself from the ground, it was in that single second that I saw the true face of chronos

Yang: no way

Zarya: woah

Sombra: it can't be

Lily: Oh my goodness

Jake: no that's impossible, y-y-your... me

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