chapter 9: the man behind the mask part 2 (supreme five vs Chronos)

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3 days til project: rebirth

It was true, he looked exactly like me, the hair, the face, the body, the only difference between us is that I had blue eyes while he had red eyes

Jake: I don't understand, how are you me?

Chronos: well the answer to that is simple Jake. I am your future self

My what now!, future self?, If he is who he looks and says he is, then why would he do all this, kill my mom and dad, erase our memories, forcing us to serve him as if we were puppets to him

Chronos: I know the thoughts in your mind, and I have answers. I hate you, not you now you years from now

Jake: in the future

Chronos: in "the" future yes, in many ways we were enemies, rivals, opposites of the other, and no matter what I did I was stuck in my point of time while you kept making the same mistakes over and over again. That is until your/our grandfather gave me incredible power beyond compare, the power over time, and with time came immortality, so I spent the last 65 million years gathering those who are willing to join me. Finally after so long I made my move, my forces overwhelmed the city, until you came. You handled my army like they were nothing it seemed like I was going to lose, then it came to me, what if you were to suffer a tragedy, what if you were to suffer something so horrible that your emotions would cloud your every action. you can guess what happens next

I could, he killed my mom, we clashed in a sword fight and in the end Chronos won in the end

Yang: but why do this? If your him then why kill your own parents

Chronos: because miss Xiao long, I want him to suffer Just as much as I did

Sombra: what if he dies, if he dies then you will never exist

Chronos: let me tell you a little story, it was about a man much like Jake here, he also suffered a great tragedy, and yes he caught the person that had given him so much pain, but to his surprise even though he destroyed his most hated enemy, he still came back over and over and over again, him dying would not hurt me in the slightest, in fact I would enjoy it

Zarya: your a-

Chronos: monster, yes I know miss moonwolf, as I recall correctly you said that exact same thing before

No this can't be, none of this can be true, and even if it is does that mean I'll never see her again. Anger began to flare up inside me

Jake: I will make you pay for you did, I don't care if you are me you will still get no mercy

Chronos: was I truly this stupid?

I charged at him when he dodged it by leaning to the side

Chronos: heh heh heh heh heh, do you actually believe you can beat me

I don't know how he did it, chronos just stretched out his arm and lifted me off the ground without even touching me

Jake: what the?

Chronos: it's called telekinesis imbecile

I was thrown through one of the glass cases and into the wall, knocking me unconscious

Lilys POV

Lily: Jake! You guys handle this guy, I'm going to help Jake

Zarya: right

I ran to Jakes side, he was out cold, shards of glass stuck inside his back, I had to get them out I thought, I carefully put my fingers on one piece of glass and slowly pulled it out, Jakes body flinched as I did so

Lily: it's alright I'm here

I looked over at the others, Olivia had chronos in an arm lock while Yang and Zarya gave some seriously good blows to the chest and face

Chronos: you fools, the power over time as given me a accelerated healing factor, now let me show you true power

He stepped on Olivias foot, then grabbed her arm and threw her into yang and Zarya

Chronos: this has been fun, but I have new worlds to make, security

The doors opened as the two soldiers entered the room

Chronos: take these five to solitary and don't let them out until after project: rebirth is complete, do you understand?

Both soldiers: yes sir

They stunned us with their blasters and dragged us out

Chronos POV

they actually feel for it, hm, not that I'm surprised, not knowing who they were they would have easily believed anything. I walked over to my throne and pushed a hidden button revealing a  secret compartment on the side

Chronos: hard to believe that this one thing created so many worlds, now it will be the very item that which erases its own creation, such a pity though, it would have been nice to see those other worlds one last time, oh well

I used my telekinesis to remove the item its containment, the sphere of control. (It's now or never) I took out the retractable scepter and put the sphere on top of it, the power was overflowing

Chronos: yes, YES, bwhahahahahaha

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