No Pizza For Jung Gi

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That late evening, Nancy came home smiling. She was in a very good mood.

Reason for her good mood: Lee Dabin aka her future wife had tipped her generously.

Previously at the restaurant:

Nancy excused herself to go to the washroom right after she had ogled at the older girl to give her heart a much-needed breather. When she came back, her Dah Bin had already left. And when she approached her table, she found cash under a water glass.

Right now:

She didn't care if she looked odd to the fellow occupants of the lift as she entered the lift and pressed her floor button. She was too happy to care.

She hummed Meghan Trainor's "if I was you, I'd wanna be me too. I'd wanna be me too", moving her head to the beat of the song as the lift ascended.

A guy that lived in the same floor as her, who also had a huge crush on her, and who was currently riding the lift with her tapped her shoulder from behind as Nancy didn't seem to hear him calling her name.

"Nancy shi" he called again as he tapped.

"Oh, hey" Nancy replied, not really paying attention.

"Uh.. there is a guy waiting for you in front of your room door. He's been there half an hour now. said he is your boyfriend. Said you told him to wait there. Is it true?" he asked.

Nancy wasn't even listening. All that registered was that the guy had just said a string of words.

"Is it true?" He asked again.

"uh... Yeah, sure." She replied before resuming humming again.

The poor guy simply nodded and looked down.

Nancy almost walked past her room as she wasn't expecting a guy to be sitting with an airbag in the front of her door.

"Nancy? I nearly slept here waiting for you" The guy said standing up.

"Jung! What the hell are you doing here?" Nancy asked, all trace of happiness gone.

"Where is your phone? Why is it off?"

"Its because I switched off. I told you to find a place. What the hell?"

"Ya kids, what is going on there?" An elderly man, who was just passing by asked the arguing two.

"Ajushii, its nothing." Jung Gi bowed to the old man. "My sister is just mad at me because I didn't come sooner."

"Ahh! now, don't fight. Don't fight" He said walking off.

Nancy looked at Jung Gi in disbelief.

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