At this rate, Nancy's gon' break her door

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Note: Guys, I just want to remind you something. Saturdays aren't holidays in my stories. I dont really know how it works in South Korea though :D :D Aniwae, I hope you enjoy.


"Wait, You followed me?" Jung Gi asked. He could not decipher the meaning of the sudden appearance of the hot girl he tried to hit on the other day right in front of him.

Yeonwoo pitied the guy for thinking the way he was thinking.

Nancy looked between the two.

"No! She didn't follow you, you dufus. I brought her here. She's my-my.... my friend."

'Don't tell me this is your ex" Dabin wanted to facepalm.

"He isn't my ex" Nancy instantly replied, too focussed on defending her image, she didn't think through.

Jung Gi touched his chest with his hand as hope washed him over.

"That's right. I am not her ex. I am her boyfriend"

"Thank You, Nancy"

"I swear he is not my boyfriend, I broke up with him twice so he isn't even my ex anymore. I am not related to him in any way." Nancy said, turning towards Dabin, completely ignoring the fact that she didn't make any sense at all.

"Jung Gi, you look like you're going somewhere out, please take your airbag along and don't come back." Nancy pleaded.

Jung Gi looked down to note his outfit. He was wearing his jeans from the previous day with a jeans shirt.

The only reason he wasn't wearing his pyjamas was because he thought he'd get something to eat since he starved himself last night.

"Nancy, didn't you say our long distance relationship isn't working? I am here now. I'll try to come here every once in a while. You know I have college back home, right? You know that Tao guy isn't better than me, right?"

"Who's Tao guy?" Dabin asked. She thought she had heard that name somewhere.

"Who Tao are you talking about, Jung Gi? Are you high or something? Stop blabbering nonsense and leave."

"Come'on Nancy. Don't be like this. We need to sit down and ta-"

"Nope. Don't want to hear anything from you. Please out now."

"Alright. I'll leave only if your friend agrees to go out with me," Jung Gi said sitting down on the floor like a stubborn child.

Dabin's laughter suddenly filled the room.

Nancy didn't look pleased either.

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