Pros and Cons

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Dabin threw the manga she had been reading when her phone rang again.
"I'll kill this Sung Min" she muttered as she reached for her phone on the other side of her bed.

Her friend Kim Sung Min had been badgering her for Nancy's number since the previous day. Dabin had texted her friend back a clear "NO" but her friend persisted, relentlessly calling her phone because he knew the only way to get Nancy's number was through her.

Dabin's anger subsided a bit when she saw Hyebin's name as the caller ID instead of Sung Min."Hyebin?" She answered with a sigh.

[Ya! can you please give Sung Min Nancy's number before he wears out my battery?"]

"Not you too" Dabin rolled her eyes. "I told him I am not giving him the number. Alright?" Dabin sighed again. "If you don't have anything important to say, I am hanging up"

["Wait Yeonu, aren't you happy that our friend is finally finding someone he likes? He's been single for too long. Help him out. Let him try his luck. Don't you see? He's completely lovestruck. And I think he has a chance, he and Nancy did get along quite well at the restaurant, didn't they?"]

"Got along well? My left foot!" Dabin scoffed.

["Come on Yeonu. Send me her number, okay?"]

"Hyebin, look up the meaning of 'no' on Google. I am hanging up"

A gasp was heard on the other line.
["Oh My God. Don't tell me its because you're jealous"]

Dabin blinked several times. "What? What the hell do you mean by that Hyebin? Jealous of who exactly?"

["You, refusing to give Nancy's number to Sung Min is either because you like Sung Min-"]

"What? What nonsense! I prefer to die single than to have anything to do with that ugly specimen" Dabin answered with a scowl.

["- Or you like Nancy"] Hyebin continued where she left off.

"What?" Dabin yelled on the phone.

["Since it's clear it is not Sung Min, then we know who it is now"] Hyebin explained with a teasing tone.

"Sh-Shut up Hyebin. Are you out of your mind? That k-kid is nothing but a nuisance. That shameless freeloader! That brat has been nothing but a headache since day one! Why-Why would you think I would l-like that pest?" Dabin defensively yelled.

["Wait, did you just stutter?"]

"N-NO! I did NOT! Stupid Hyebin! Check your inbox. I'll send her number"

Dabin indignantly hung up the phone and felt her face with her fingers.
Why the hell am I sweating?

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