Indirect Kiss Is Still a Kiss

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Nancy followed Dahbin upstairs. Dabin was wearing a baggy shirt that came right above her mid-thighs.

And yes, Nancy was getting a very good view climbing up behind her.

I hope she turns out to be one of those girls who sleep in lacy lingerie.

I hope we share the same blanket.

"that'd be nice" Nancy mumbled.

"What would be nice?" Yenwoo asked looking around, as she thought she heard Nancy talk.

Fuck! did I said that out loud?

"What do you mean what would be nice?" Nancy asked, putting up her most innocent-looking face.

"Well, I thought I heard you say "that'd be nice"" Dabin said.

Nancy shrugged.

Yeonwoo shrugged back and resumed walking.

"So, where is your mom?" Nancy asked.

"Not here." Yeonwoo simply replied.

"Here is my room," She said opening the door.

"Ooh! nice!" Nancy stepped in and looked around.

Yeonwoo's phone rang again.

"Ugh! your phone again" Nancy said. "Are you this popular?"

"It's my mother. I'll be right back. Make yourself comfortable" Yeonwoo said walking out.

Nancy washed her face and went to Yeonwoo's wardrobe and threw on a simple shirt and a yellow coloured night shorts.

"Its got many Pickachus printed on it. Cute!"

Just when she was applying the lotion that was kept on the bedside table, Dabin entered.

She stared at Nancy like Nancy had just grown out a third leg.

Nope, she absolutely did not remember giving her those to change into.

My new Pikachu shorts!

It looks perfect on those pretty legs!

"You opened my wardrobe?"

"Yup. As you can see, I helped myself" Nancy replied, sitting on the bed.

She watched as Dabin walked around the bed and climbed up from the other side.

"Would you prefer a separate blanket?" Yeonwoo asked.

"No. Don't bother. I'll be fine sharing. I guess" Nancy replied willing herself not to blush.

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