Poking Bee Hive?

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"Are you sure we won't get into trouble for this?" Jooe enquired, touching the apron around her waist as they neared the exit of the changing room."Trust me, we won't," Nancy replied with a self-assured air about her, "I reign this place. And besides, this restaurant will soon be the restaurant of the older brother of my father-in-law." she added, looking her friend up and down as she did so. "And Jooe, you look pretty nice in that uniform"

"You think so?" Jooe delightfully asked.

"Absolutely. Though I think its a little short on you. I mean it covers my mid thighs but yours is out in the open. But it still looks good on you" Nancy giggled, sending her friend a wink.

"Nancy" Jooe whisper-screamed.

"What?" Nancy whisper-screamed back. "Why are we whisper screaming like this?"

"You know, it will look shorter on Dabin unnie" Jooe added.

Nancy instantly shot her friend a disapproving look. "What the hell, Jooe! Don't be naughty" Nancy chided, though she couldn't deny the fact that she immensely entertained the idea.

A few moments later.....
Nancy Jewel Mcdonnie sat down in between her future wife and a new, uninvited addition at the table. She had only left the table for some minutes to change into her waitress clothing with Jooe and here she was, already irked by the male presence near her future wife."Come on Dabin, it's just for fun. Jooe is wearing it too" Nancy tried again.

"No. I said no, Nancy. Can't you see I am talking to my friend? And I do not want to wear it" Dabin replied.

"Please" Nancy pouted, hoping Dabin would give in to her cute antics.

Dabin crossed her arms and stared at her junior.Was Dabin affected by the display of cuteness in front of her?Yes, a little more than she would like to admit.

"Hey, uh Nancy... I am Doing Jun if you didn't know. We've kinda met before" The male at the table spoke to Nancy for the second time, after his first attempt having been ignored a while ago.

Nancy properly turned to look at him this time. "Yeah, I know you"

"I knew it" he mumbled, his lips spreading into a wide smile, a warm smile which Nancy found weirdly annoying.

She remembered it crystal clear that he was one of Dabin's friends she met at the bbq restaurant.Either he was visiting the restaurant because he was interested in Dabin or in her.Nancy found both cases distasteful.

"Alright now, Dabin lets go. I can't wait to see you wear it." Nancy insisted, standing up to go and picking up Dabin's phone off the table, which, obviously was instantly snatched back by the owner.

"Nancy, why would you think I want to wear it? I don't want to. I cannot cater to your every stupid whim"

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