Soon? How Soon? Tropicana Wants To Know

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Jooe looked at her friend sitting next to her in the class who was attentively listening to the lecture. Just about half an hour ago, this same friend, Nancy, had been a mess, bombarding her with questions like "Why did Dabin take your number?", "Do you guys text every day?" "Why do you think she took your number?" and because Jooe didn't want to be caught talking during Professor Jang's lecture, she took 7 minutes to sneakily type Nancy a long message under the desk telling her that Dabin had taken her number only to make sure she(Jooe) brought her (Nancy) to the canteen the so that the money payment can be settled.

Jooe's explanation seemed to have convinced Nancy as Nancy smiled at her after she read the message and turned towards the professor and she had been intently listening to him since.

Strange. Jooe thought before resuming taking notes.

"Let's visit the canteen" Nancy proposed when the two friends walked out of the restroom.

"You do know we have a class starting in a minute"

"We can bunk, you know. Just this once. No harm done"

"My mother won't be pleased if she hears I skip classes"

"Relax. She won't know if you don't tell her"

"That's true. But, are you really that hungry?"

"No, I am not. Dabin and Hyebin unnie don't have any class for an hour if I remember correctly. So, we're gonna go look for them in the canteen since they hang out there a lot."

It wasn't hard to find the two unnies in question. They were at the same table. Hyebin waved at the juniors and Dabin actually smiled a little when Nancy looked at her.

She smiled at me. A goofy grin appeared on Nancy's face as they walked up to where the two seniors were sitting.

Nancy sat across her crush.

"You guys aren't getting anything to eat?" Nancy asked.

"We just got here. Some of our friends will be joining soon" Hyebin answered.

Jooe took out four Tropicana juice boxes from her backpack and silently distributed them among the four of them.

Almost immediately, Dabin could be heard sending a quick thank you to Jooe.

"Wow, just how many have you got in your bag?" Hyebin asked picking up her share of the juice.

"I brought 5 today" Jooe answered poking the straw into the straw hole.

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