Double Suprised

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Raf's POV

Finally the bell rang. Raf didn't mind his robotics class but after Ratchet had given him a brief lesson in Cybertronian technology he found some aspects of it rather boring. And today had been a very easy class for him.
He walked to the front of the school and sat down on the short brick wall at the bottom of the stars. He opened his laptop and began his homework. Miko walked up and sat down next to him.
"So, watch ya doing?" She asked playfully.
"Homework." He responded.
"Homework. What's that?" He was about to protest when Bulkhead pulled up. "Oh, my rides here. See ya later Raf."
"Bye." He said as he turned back to his laptop. Miko walked up to Bulkhead and open his passenger door. She was about to climb in when she paused and walked back over to him.
"Hey Raf, I think something's up. Bulkhead is picking you up too." His heart skipped a beat as he starred at her.
"Why is Bee OK?" He said his voice shaking a little.
"He didn't say." She responded as he put away his laptop and got up to follow.
They walked back to Bulkhead and he got in the back while Miko got into the passenger seat.
Despite their conversation about the importance of homework, it seemed to take Bulkhead forever to get to the base and when Raf asked him what was wrong he said Bee and Ratchet were fine but they needed to see it for themselves. This made him even more nervous.
     They were almost to the base when Arcee and Jack sped past them.
     "Hey!" Miko shouted. "Come on Bulk let's get them." She said excitedly as Bulkhead's speed increased. They rushed in and came screeching to a stop. Miko jumped out and grabbed jacks phone before running to the couch. Jack ran after her and Raf walked dreading what he might see. He climbed the stars and dropped his backpack on the couch before peering over the rail to find the med bay empty.
     "Hey, where'd they go." Bulkhead asked.
     "Oh great, they must be getting Smokscreen." Arcee said as she walked over.
     "What so bad about that?" Raf asked. As if on cue a yell that could only be Smokescreen came from the hall. A few seconds later a roar followed and another shout. Arcee and Bulkhead ran towards the sounds as they continued and rounded the corner out of sight.

Bumblebee's POV

     He and Ratchet had slowly crept down the hallway to Arcee's and Smokescreen's berth room (they had to share because of space). They had crept in and sat on either side of his berth. Ratchet had started growling while he made a clicking sound. Smokescreen slowly opened his optics and they jumped up with their front feet onto the berth. Smokescreen opened and focused his optics at them before screaming almost as loud as Bulkhead had during the scraplet infestation. They both started laughing before Smokescreen, being an over eager rookie, kicked him off the berth and swung at Ratchet who dodged and jumped off to the wall. He roared at Smokescreen who turned to him yelling and preparing to punch him when he stopped.
     "Bee?" The expression on the rookies faceplate was so indescribably funny that both him and Ratchet fell over laughing. Ratchets laughing surprised him but the rookie had been pretty annoying at times and Ratchet was probably enjoying the karma. Just then Arcee ran in and laughed a little before scolding them on scaring Smokescreen, being careless, and explaining how the rookie could have actually hurt them or most likely the other way around. She then turned to Smokescreen and scolded him on reacting without thinking and how sometimes that isn't the best idea.

Raf's POV

     Raf could barely hear Arcee scolding Smokescreen and who sounded like Bee and Ratchet. He was glad what ever happened wasn't that bad but Arcee scolding Ratchet?! That was weird. He heard them coming back and saw Bulkhead coming first he was shaking his head and seemed bewildered.
     "I know Optimus is on patrol but I'm calling him. He needs a heads up." The wrecker said as he passed.
     "I got no problem with it." Arcee answered as she came in with Smokescreen looking like he needed an explanation. But what came in next he could hardly believe. Two metal dragons, Bee and Ratchet, smiling at each other as if nothing was wrong.

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