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Arcee's POV

     Arcee watched the chaos that had rather quickly transpired in the med bay. Smokescreen had gone back to their berth room guilty and was probably recharging or thinking about his failure. Like the rest of them never made mistakes.
     The kids were on the couch watching quietly. Miko was intently leaning in while Jack was sitting with Raf hugging him. The boy was worried about his guardian and was just barley starting to look at what else was going on.
Arcee stood closest to the kids with Bulkhead on her left and a little farther back. He had been warned to stay away from the med bay and Ratchet in general when the medic was working and fearing the wrenches and Ratchets impeccable aim he had stayed out. Arcee hadn't been warned yet simply because she was able to dodge not only the wrenches but the doctor himself when he was rushing.
     Their medic rarely snapped at Optimus and had only thrown a wrench at him once. It was when Optimus tried to comfort him after Bumblebee's spark pulse had slipped while the medic was trying to repair his voice back on Cybertron. Optimus had caught the wrench and calmly handed it back to him.
     It hadn't happened since.
     The prime stood closest to Ratchet as the medic tried to use his tools that were clearly not made for paws. After Optimus had convinced him it was worth it to repair a decepticon he had managed to place Knockout in stasis and asses the small break on his helm. It had been caused by a rock when the con hit the ground and although it was minor at the moment, the slightest movement could make it quite deadly.
     Ratchet was now using both paws to steadily close the wound and weld it shut before it got worse. After a moment he vented before nodding his head for them to leave. He would finish alone, in silence, were he could focus, and call if he needed help.
     Arcee took one last look at the decepticon she still couldn't believe they were helping before following Bulkhead out of the med bay and into the main room. Smokescreen joined them as Optimus explained why he had Ratchet fix Knockout.
"Since Knockout plays an important roll onboard the Nemesis, Megatron will most likely want him back. We will repair Knockout and hopefully he will give us codes to contact Megatron. If everything works we will be able to trade him for Bumblebee." Optimus told them.
"How do we know it will work?" Arcee asked.
"Unfortunately, we do not." He answered.
"Well on that cheery note. Who's up for a movie." Miko chimed in pulling a disk out of her bag.
"Miko." Jack scolded.
"What. It'll help pass the time until doc knock wakes up." She said as she put the disk into the tv.
"I'm down." Bulkhead said. He was about to walk over when the monitor beeped and displayed agent fowlers angry face.
"Prime," he began, "it seems the cons have- what is that!?" He shouted when he saw Smokescreen who had tried to run out of his view.
"One of our latest relics has some unwanted side affects." Optimus explained calmly.
"Well I'll be, that explained what I was calling about." The agent responded. "The cons latest energon mine was a little too close to Crown City. One of our agents spotted two metal dragons, one carrying the other, flying up to that warship. The one being carried didn't seem to happy. Was it one of yours?"
"What your agent whiteness was Starscream. He has captured Bumblebee." Optimus explained.
"So what, they were... infected by this mystery relic." Fowler asked.
"Pretty much." Bulkhead answered. "Now we have a movie to watch and I'm not waiting around for you to grasp this." He said as he walked over and sat down on the floor behind the rail were the couch is.
"Oooh, I'm en rout now, mind if I join." Fowler said. Bulkhead was about to protest but Optimus stopped him.
"You are more than welcome to." He said as he stopped to proximity alarm and the sound of a helicopter landing on the roof could be heard. The image disappeared and the elevator came down.
Optimus went back to his and Ratchet's berth room (they started sharing when Smokescreen came) while Arcee and Smokescreen joined Bulkhead by the kids and they started the movie. Folwer joined them and Ratchet begrudgingly did so to, having successfully finished the surgery. Now all they had to do was wait.

Onboard the Nemesis

"Shockwave is it finished?" Megatron asked.
'The first test antidote is almost complete. It would be easier if Knockout were hear but I will make do.' Shockwave typed an answer.
"Good." Megatron said looking at the autobot scout. He had chains wrapped around him and was hanging by the wing-like car doors on his back. He was in between the two operating berths and was still unconscious from when Starscream hit him.
"Commence the first test as soon as its ready." He said before leaving.


I couldn't help myself, I had to, and yes it is the same Crown City. If you know what I mean.

InfectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon