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I'm changing my writing style a bit. It's easier to manage.

     She was clearly wrong. As they rounded the corner into the training room she could already hear the wreckers were not taking it easy.

     They were reared up with their talons locked and Bulkhead was slowly backing Wheeljack past the door. When they saw her and Jack they pushed off each other and separated landing on all fours with Bulkhead closer to them. He grunted a greeting but was cut short when Wheeljack jumped on him. The grey dragon shrugged to them with a cocky smirk as he used his weight to tip Bulkhead off balance. But Bulkhead managed to throw him off before he hit the ground and Wheeljack slammed onto the floor with a grunt.

He rolled onto his back and vented as Bulkhead rolled upright and did the same. When Bulkhead stood up Wheeljack rolled onto his stomach and looked like he was going to keep going. But June had other ideas.

"Hey! What are you doing?! I'm sure Ratchet told you to take it easy!" She shouted to the grey wrecker. He gave her an annoyed look before standing and walking over to them. Bulkhead came a little closer but stayed out of it. Wheeljack bent down so he was at their eye level and gave her a defiant glare.

"Um, mom. Wreckers play ruff. Believe it or not this is taking it easy." Jack spoke for them.

"Oh, and how is that exactly?" She countered angrily in her mom voice.

"Well for one they haven't slammed each other into a wall yet." He said nervously. Wheeljack gave him a 'she didn't need to know that' look but June relaxed.

     If this was taking it easy for them and they did this a lot, then their systems were adapted to it, and they could handle it in their own way. Besides the grey wrecker hadn't noticeably been in pain during their fight so maybe his injuries were doing better than she thought.

"Ok, I actually came here to thank you." She said and Wheeljack raised an optic ridge. "Thank you for protecting me earlier if it weren't for you I would have needed a lot more than some stitches." She said gratefully as she reached out and touched the top of his nose. He purred and crooned as if to say 'no problem' before turning back to Bulkhead as Jack helped her back to the couch.

She would definitely need to groundbridge home later.

Ratchet looked up from his work when the monitor beeped. A relic signal was shown and he called the others.
"After we determined Silas ambushed us for visual confirmation of our... change, I wouldn't be surprised if this was another trap." He stated once they were gathered.

"That may be true, but we cannot take the chance that it is a relic." Optimus said, "Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead will accompany me to scout the area. The rest of you remain here in case we require backup."

Ratchet grumbled and Smokescreen complained but nothing out of the ordinary. Ratchet just hoped Optimus was right and this was an unrelated signal.

As the groundbridge closed Bee looked around to find they were in an abandoned town. Their were empty buildings and shops everywhere, all of them coated with dust. The layer of clouds that covered the sky was not helping the dark atmosphere as they began to follow the signal.

They searched for the better part of a half an hour without finding anything and the signal they came for had disappeared. Their was no sign of life other than the four of them and they hadn't seen a single sign of decepticons either.

     Arcee was messing with the wires in the back of the controller when the signal popped back up. They began walking again and he was about to follow when he heard static. It was faint but their. His ear twitched it the direction and his helm turned towards an empty shop. He listened for a few seconds. Nothing.

"You comin Bee?" Bulkhead asked him. Maybe he just imagined it. He turned to follow when he heard it again. He stopped at looked back at the shop his ears swiveled toward every sound as he waited.

"Bee-" Bulkhead started.

"Shh." Arcee cut him off, "Listen." She whispered just as he heard the sound again. He moved towards the empty shop as the others followed.

     He gingerly stepped inside the broken display window, which was just big enough, and followed the noise. He was careful to avoid shards of glass and the dusty furniture on display. He slipped in between a table and the back counter before he heard it below him. He looked down to see a black and dark green radio buzzing. It was broken and couldn't pick up any signals but it was still trying.

     He picked it up and went back outside. He gave it to Arcee, who gave it two Bulkhead, who gave it to Optimus.
     "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Bulkhead asked.

     "MECH." Arcee was quick to answer.

     "Ratchet we require a bridge." Optimus waisted no time calling base. The needed to get out of their as fast as possible. A bridge quickly opened up and they slipped through without looking back.

     If they had they would have seen that they weren't the only Cybertronians their.

I know it short but it was a good place to stop. Hope y'all like my new way of writing.

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