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Bumblebee's POV

Since that awful experiment he had remained curled in the corner until he was dragged out, chained, muzzled, and led harshly through a ground bridge.
Now he sat in the middle of a valley between two mountains, he had overhead that the mountains disoriented their signals so the autobots couldn't trick them.
He starred at the short, bright green grass between his talons as his tail swished lightly through it in pleasure for he enjoyed the earth's softer surfaces. Soundwave was sitting next to him holding the end of his chains while Starscream was on his other side.
Soundwave didn't seem to mind the grass and the scout noticed his tail was also swishing ever so slightly through it which made him smile internally. He looked over to see Starscream was clearly not happy in the grass and kept adjusting his paws in annoyance. He had tried to take off and hover but Megaton had pulled him down, Bee noticed the warlord was, once again, pissed as his second. Starscream probably caused many of the cons' transformations. Or at least some of them. He thought as he noticed the warlord was currently standing behind them watching him but glancing at Starscream.

It wasn't long before a ground bridge opened up and his team walked through as Megatron took his chains from Soundwave and pulled on them slightly, warning him not to move. He remained still as he watched Optimus step through first, then Arcee, Smokescreen, and finally Bulkhead who was holding the end of a set of chains. The wrecker tugged them and Knockout stepped trough. His ears were back and his tail lashed back and forth. He was also chained and muzzled but it was messy and twisted as if it had been quiet a struggle to get it on.
Optimus took the chains from Bulkhead as the wrecker stepped to the prime's left while Arcee and Smokescreen stood on his right.
"Megatron, return Bumblebee to us." Optimus spoke first.
"In unison." Megatron replied as he stepped forward and pulled Bee along. He walked quietly as did Knockout as the leaders met in the middle.
"You first." Megatron said and Optimus handed Knockout's chain to him. The warlord then smirked evilly.
"Such a mistake." He said as he dropped both chains carelessly and took a step back. Knockout could have run but the con was looking at something else and Bee whipped around to see coordinates displayed on Soundwave's visor. He realized all to late that it was a trap as a ground bridge opened up underneath him and he fell through. He hit his helm roughly on something and blacked out.

Knockout's POV

He was so busy looking at the coordinates on Soundwave's visor he jumped a little when he saw the ground bridge open and the scout fall back to the Nemesis. He was so caught up with how the decepticons had tricked the autobots that he didn't see the prime reach for his chains. But Optimus wasn't fast enough as Knockout felt the ground beneath his feet vanish as another ground bridge opened up underneath him and he fell through.
He landed roughly on top of the scout as Megatron jumped through and landed on his peds beside them. Knockout got up and smirked at how prepared they were before following lord Megatron back to his lab as vehicons picked up the unconscious scout and followed.

     When they got their he was met with Shockwave and a tray of medical tools. He gave the scientist a 'seriously' look but his medical training kicked in and he unintentionally looked for injuries. He saw a patch on Shockwaves shoulder, a recently closed wound on his under armor, and a closed break on his chest plate.
He clawed at his muzzle a little, as did Shockwave, but Ratchet's quick work in making it was just good enough that no paws could remove it. Knockout snorted before turning to Megatron as Shockwave picked up a surgical knife and went to hand it to him. But the warlord decided to be a warlord and the blade on his arm shot out. With one quick swipe a broken muzzle clattered to the floor as Knockout opened his optics from the little time he had to brace for it.
His ears were back and the end of his tail flicked agitatedly but he stayed quiet as Shockwave set down the knife, hoped onto a surgery berth, and laid down.
     "What happened to you?" He asked as he raised an optic ridge at the wounds.
     "My first attempt at a cure had unwanted side affects." Shockwave replied as he got into a better position.
     "On you or him?" He said gesturing to Bumblebee as he slipped out of the chains that had been secured to his muzzle.
     "Your question is illogical. Clearly both of us were affected by it weather it was directly or indirectly." Shockwave responded as Knockout rolled his eyes and prepared for surgery.
     "Still no stasis?" He asked. He had repaired Shockwave a few times on Cybertron but only if the wounds were deep, large, or many. The scientist had constantly refused stasis saying the recovery would delay his work.
     "No." He said simply as Knockout reopened the wound on his chest plate and began to fix it properly. Shockwave had managed to repair himself on Cybertron after his spacebridge exploded but it was more recreating parts for himself than fixing them.
Knockout properly closed the chest plate before removing the patch and beginning repair on that. Shockwaves shoulder was worse than his chest had been and it took him about an hour to reconnect all the ripped circuits and energon tubes. Shockwaves ability to remain quiet was a constant surprise and often left him wondering whether it was past torture or something else that kept him from whining like Starscream often did.
While he was working, Megatron left and Starscream, having a lack of better things to do, had joined them while vehicons hung the scout on the wall by the chains he was wearing. They had a strong resemblance to the ones Knockout had been forced into with a muzzle and six chains connecting to it.
     The muzzle was loose enough to breath but tight enough to not allow one to talk. It had one strap that crossed over the helm, another behind the horns, and a third under the chin. It didn't stop one from turning their helm but opening their mouth was another story.
     Two of the chains connected under the muzzle and to deactivated stasis cuffs on the front legs, similarly two chains on either side of the muzzle linked to a second set of deactivated cuffs on the back legs. Two more chains on top of the muzzle were meant for wings but in both Knockout's and Bumblebee's case they had been attached harmlessly to the fins on their back, the two chains merged into one and linked to a single cuff on the end of the tail.
When all the chains were on it was hard to even walk straight for ones movements were so constricted by the tight chains pulling in every direction.
     Knockout realize he had been staring at the chains for too long and quietly went back to work. He finished and closed the wound before Shockwave went back to work and he buffed out the marks left by Optimus' shots. When he was done he decided to go recharge on his own berth and he didn't realize how much he needed it until he was out cold.

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