Not Again

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BTW, the pictures I put up are not exactly how they look in the story, I'm just to lazy to draw them and I'm terrible at coloring.

Raf's POV

"Woah." Miko said. She was leaning off the end of the couch trying to keep Jack from getting his phone back. She paused and stared at the dragons. "What happened to you?" She asked as Jack snatched his phone and walked to the rail.
"It has something to do with the latest relic." Arcee answered.
"You mean this relic." Smokescreen said nervously. They looked over to see Smokescreen had picked up the spilled tray of green liquid and had it on his digits. Raf watched both dragons slightly lower their heads and flatten their ears, their faceplates showing they new what was coming.
"Not again." Bulkhead said as he and Arcee covered their optics and a blinding light covered the base. When the light receded Smokescreen was gone. Except he wasn't. He had become just like the other two, a dragon.
The new dragon roared and scrambled back into Bulkhead who grabbed him. He looked similar to the other two with four legs and a long tail and neck. He had a set of spikes running down his back and a blaster at the end of his tail. He had a set of spikes above his shoulders instead of wings like Ratchet and Bee except the 38 of his vehicle mode was on them.
"Easy kid." The wrecker said before Smokescreen calmed down and started making clicking and crooning noises. At first Raf didn't know what he was doing until Ratchet stepped forward and did what sounded like a quiet roar before growling. Their talking. He realized. And we can't understand them. He thought sadly as Bee walked over to the railing. When he stood up straight the bottom of his jaw was a few feet above the rail.
Bee jumped up with his front feet and put them on the rail before lowering his head to Raf who hugged it.
"Bee are you OK?" He asked nervously. Bee crooned and nudged him as a yes.
"What can we do to reverse it?" He asked as he turned to the others. Bulkhead shrugged and Arcee gave him a sympathetic look. But Ratchet snorted and walked to his work station before fumbling with some tools and settle for the monitor.
He typed a message explaining how they were fine but their t-cogs were overloaded and they couldn't transform back. He was going to work on a cure as he assumed they could safely touch the liquid because it had already transformed them. He warned them to stay away and keep the kids, primarily Miko, away from it as well and not to tell agent fowler just yet.
They agreed and decided to let Ratchet work as best he could while they waited for Optimus to get back from patrol.
Arcee took Jack to work while everyone else stayed at the base.
Smokescreen went back to his berth room to keep recharging and grasp how quickly things went wrong for him.
Bulkhead went to his berth room with Miko to talk and listen to slash monkey's new album while Bee laid down on one of the medical births since he shared a room with Bulkhead and didn't feel like listening to their music.
Raf grabbed his back pack and took out his laptop, he walked to the medical bay and was going to sit down against the berth his guardian was on but Bee grabbed the back of his shirt in his mouth and pulled him up. He yelped at first but then laughed a little as he was set down up against Bee's chest.
Bee did the dragon equivalent of a smile as Raf settled in to do his homework their while he talked to his guardian, who always listened.

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