As Long As You're With Me

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So Christmas has come and gone and I still don't own glee.
Please don't sue me.
I appreciate it.

There was a knock on the door, and Blaine's head turned towards it. After kissing Tracy's forehead, he made his way to the door.

"Hello?" He whispered.

"Blaine! So glad you're home!" Rachel exclaimed, entering the apartment.

"Shh! Shh, Rach, Tracy is asleep!"

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I mean," Rachel lowered her voice, "I'm so sorry!"

Blaine sighed, leading her into the living room.

"It's alright. What's up?"

Rachel smiles brightly, "I got an audition!"

"No way! That's great, Rach!" Blaine smiles at his friend.

Rachel clasped her hands on his, "And even better news, I got you an audition as well!"

"What?!" Blaine pulled his hands away and looked at her, confused. Rachel kept smiling like her life depended on it.

"Yes! They said it's better if we audition in pairs, and the character description describes you perfectly! Plus, you and I have always had marvelous harmonies and stage chemistry! So, what do you say?"

"I...I say no, Rachel," Blaine stood up and grabbed a basket filled to the brim with laundry, and starting walking into the laundry room briskly.

"What? Why not? It's a great opportunity, Blaine!" Rachel followed him persistently.

"Because," Blaine said as he plopped clothes into the washing machine one by one, "I don't have time for another job. I still have a child to take care of, as a single parent!"

Rachel sighed, "Blaine, if you get the part, you won't need your other job! And you could get a babysitter for Tracy! The least you can do is audition, if you don't get it, no harm, no foul! And if you do get it, and still have your doubts, you can decline the offer!"

Blaine paused and looked at Rachel for a moment, pondering it...but ended up just shaking his head. "No! No, Rach, I'm sorry, but I can't...I-...It's too soon...I couldn't..."

Rachel's eyes softened, "Blaine...sweetie, he would've wanted this...he would've wanted you to live life as if he was here, to pursue your dream..."

"But I can't...not without him...I just...I couldn't get on the stage without thinking...without thinking he was supposed to be up there with me..."

"He's gone...He's not coming back...But he's in your heart, in Tracy's eyes and smile...And he'll be right there up on stage with you..."

Blaine stood there, numb.

"R-Rach...It won't be enough...I can't do this without him...I can't do this without him..."


Monday. Monday, Monday, Monday. I always dreaded that day for obvious reasons, but on this particular Monday, I really should have faked sick. Sure, it wouldn't have stopped the inevitable from happening, but it would've given me one more day to prepare.

I strolled into school and met Quinn at her locker. She gave me a sympathetic look and rubbed my arm.

"Oh, sweetie...How are you?"

"Fine...What's wrong? Did I miss something?"

"Everyone's been talking about you..."

My mind started racing. Everyone always talked about me, I'm the most popular guy in school, but the fact that Quinn is pitying me isn't a sign that everyone is discussing the new bow tie I put on this morning...

"What?! What about?!"

Quinn sighed and pointed to the bulletin board.

"Go see for yourself..."

I sprinted down the hallway, only to find an image of what could only be Kurt and me, when I was comforting him at his house. He's in my arms, sobbing his eyes out, and I'm holding him tight to my chest....

On top of the picture, in big black permanent marker someone had written "F*GS."

I paled. I looked at my surroundings, and everyone was staring at me dumbstruck. I had fraternized with the enemy. Sure, I don't see him as the enemy. I see him as this amazing boy...But I set an example at this school...And I committed social suicide...

Before I could even think to form a sentence, I heard that infamous splash of a slushie. I turned my heel to the sound as fast as I could, and just as I suspected, it was Kurt.

Something snapped inside me.

This isn't right.

This is sick.


"HEY! What the HELL do you think you're doing?!" I stormed over to Kurt and wrapped my arms around him.

Karofsky and Azimo stood there glaring at me.

"Looks like your little boyfriend has came to save you, gay face."

Kurt looked at me for a second, then looked down, "He-He's n-not-"

"You leave my boyfriend alone, or else I will kill. You. I have plenty of dirt on you both, and you don't want to make an enemy out of me. So from now on, Kurt Hummel is off limits. Untouchable," I couldn't hold it in anymore. I finally said what I've always wanted to.

Only to be rewarded with a slushie in my face as well.

"You don't tell us what to do anymore, Anderson. You're a loser just like he is. Have fun f*gs!" Karofsky spat as he and Azimo high fived and walked away.

It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before in my life. The cold pain hit me like a ton of bricks. It dripped down my clothes, staining everything in its path.

"Come on...Let's get you cleaned up..." Kurt whispered softly to me and lead me into the bathroom.

He helped me get cleaned up, and he in turn cleaned himself.

"Thank you for helping me...I have a feeling I need to know the ropes now..." I whispered, looking down at my feet.

"Don't mention it...And you can borrow some of my clothes, I always keep extras," Kurt said softly, absentmindedly running his fingers through my hair. I loved it.

"Blaine...Did you...Did you mean it? Do you want me to be your...your boyfriend?" He asked slowly.

I looked at him and smiled softly as I cupped his cheeks sweetly.

"As long as you'll allow me to be yours..."

Kurt smiled brightly, and I'd never seen anything more beautiful.

"I'd love that..."

My eyes got lost in his, and slowly they trailed down to his lips. I looked up at him again, silently asking if it's okay.

He smiled softly and nodded ever so slightly.

I pressed my lips against his softly, and electricity cracked throughout our bodies.

More than anything I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, especially now, but I knew it wasn't the right place for that.

After a couple of moments, I pulled away but kept our faces close. I smiled at him softly.

"Let them bring hell. I don't care. As long as you're with me."
Later I found out it was JBI who somehow got that picture. However, he is not the weasel that screwed everything up.
February 13
My name is Sebastian Smythe.
Tomorrow I start my first day at William McKinley High School.

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