Here Goes Everything

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still don't own it


"Daddy, where are you going?"

Blaine turned around to face his daughter. His eyes wide, because he wasn't expecting her to catch him. "I thought you stayed at Uncle Sebastian's house last night, and weren't coming home til dinner?"

"No, that's today. You literally put me to bed last night." Tracy crosses her arms, looking at her father suspiciously.

Blaine rubs his face and sighs, "I looked at the calendar today-I must have put it in wrong. Go get your stuff. You're gonna go to Uncle Sebastian's a little early."

Her face lights up and she runs to her room to collect her things. Blaine looks at his watch anxiously. He'll be cutting it close. "Tracy!" He yells, "We have to get going, sweetheart!"

"Ready!" The young girl bounded in, wearing a backpack three sizes too big for her, and clutching a stuffed unicorn twice her size.

Blaine nods and opens the door, "Out you go," he mumbles. Once she's through the door, he fiddles with the keys and manages to lock it. His nerves are getting the best of him.

The car ride passes in minutes. Sebastian lives on the outskirts of New York, so there wasn't much traffic. When they pull up to the small blue house, Blaine unbuckles quickly. "Come on Trace," he mumbles.

Tracy jumps out happily and runs to the door, ringing the doorbell over and over again.

"Sweetheart, you're gonna scare him to death. Just once is enough."

Sebastian opens the door, and it's clear he just woke up. Blaine checked his watch, which read 11:30.

"Whaddya guys doing here? I thought she wasn't coming til later?" Sebastian mumbles.

"Nope!" Tracy said brightly, and runs into the house.

"Alright then..." He mumbles and turns his gaze to Blaine.

"Sorry for the short notice," Blaine rubs the back of his neck, "I just, kinda had something come up, and my calendar was wrong."

"Oh, no it's cool. I just gotta wake up a bit." Sebastian sighs and looks at Blaine, "I moved here so I could help you with Tracy. And so I could do some stuff here, but mainly the ladder. So never feel bad about dumping her on me. This is a Tracy dumping ground 24/7. Like, say you have a date-"

"I'm not going on a date." Blaine says sharply.

Sebastian's eyebrow lifts and he laughs a little, "Cool it, it was just a hypothetical." His voice softens and his face changes, "But, real talk, it would be alright if you did. Start dating, I mean. It's been what, like four years?"

Blaine just shook his head. He could never picture being with anyone other than Kurt. Ever since high school—it's only ever been him. He checked his watch again quickly, and cleared his throat, killing the silence. "I gotta head out. Call me if you need anything." He starts to walk away, speed walking at a surprising speed.

"Will do! Have fun at your audition!"

"Wha-" Blaine turned around, his face white. "How did you-"

"That's the only reason you would bring me Tracy and be this nervous. Unless you were on a date."

"I'm not going on a date!" Blaine groans.

Sebastian just laughs, "Go, you're gonna be late!"

Blaine nods, getting into the car and taking a deep breath. He starts the car again, trying to push his nerves down.

Taking the shortest route possible, Blaine makes it to the theatre at the very last moment. He runs up next to Rachel, who turns and smiles, "I'm so glad you reconsidered!"

He shakes his head, "I feel like I'm gonna throw up..."

The lady sitting in the audience calls their names.

"Here goes everything..." he mumbles.


Rachel, Kurt and I all decided to ride in my car up to New York. We were gonna share an apartment and split rent, living the NYC dream. The entire ride consisted of Broadway belting and Pop rocking. About half an hour outside the city, we decided to stop and eat dinner at a small diner.

Rachel sighed, smiling brightly. "I can't wait to work at a place like this. The incredibly amazing cliche of struggling actress who is a waitress to make ends meet, until she gets her big break!"

Kurt and I rolled our eyes and laughed. Since the breakup with Sebastian, Kurt hasn't been his usual self. He's more closed off, and sometimes I caught him crying in the backseat of my car. I didn't blame him, he really did love Sebastian. Rachel informed me that Kurt begged to do long distance, but Sebastian refused. Said this would be easier for everyone. A clean break heals the fastest.

We all walked inside the diner, which was 70's themed. Rachel absolutely loved it, cooing over how adorable and aesthetic the place was. We all took a seat in a booth.

"What's the first thing you guys wanna do when we get to New York?" Rachel asked.

"Sleep." Kurt said plainly. I checked my watch, and he was right. It was past 2:00. This diner was probably the only place open.

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Okay, then how about this. What's the first thing you guys are gonna do tomorrow."

"Easy!" I answer with a playful smile, "Eat breakfast." 

Kurt let out a loud laugh as Rachel glared daggers at me.

"You guys have no imagination! I'm going to grab donuts and go to time square, eating my breakfast and watch the city come to life!" Her eyes light up with wonder. I smile gently, her excitement is infectious.

"I'm excited to start classes," I say. "I mean, actual dancing, acting, and singing classes in school? I'm so excited."

"Me too," Kurt agreed with a nod.

A waitress came up to us to take our orders. I ordered a chocolate milkshake and a burger with extra fries. Rachel was delighted when she found out they had vegan options. "I'll have a wrap with sweet potato fries!"

Kurt simply ordered a vanilla milkshake and pancakes. "What?" He asked, "It's technically morning..."

We stayed at that diner for hours.

"Oh God, guys, it's past 4:30," I mumbled.

"What?" Kurt asked, surprised.

"No way!" Rachel shook her head and checked her phone, which read 4:37. "Time really does fly, huh. Let's get going."

After thanking the workers at the diner for a lovely meal, we all load up.

"Final stretch, guys!" I said as I started the car. The two cheered and clapped, and a smile stretched across my face a mile wide.

For the last half an hour, we were anxious to get to our apartment. We discussed how we were gonna decorate it and divide it. We talked about meals and who was going to cook on what day. We even chatted about shower schedules. Finally, I pulled into the parking garage that was underneath the building.

"Here goes nothing..." I mumble.

Kurt smiles and grabs my hand, "No. Here goes everything."

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