The valley of Imladris

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Roswehn slept in the open for two nights, finding providential shelter the first evening in an old abandoned den, the second under the enormous trunk of a chestnut tree torn down by a storm. This last experience was particularly unpleasant because in the rotten wood lived a multitude of little insects.

The next morning Roswehn had woken up with her face full of reddish dots, which probably were the bites of some bugs, and had found a centipede in her pocket.

She jumped up. "You disgusting things!" she screamed, slapping her face to get rid of some ants that were strolling down her cheeks. "How can the Elves say that every life is sacred? I would exterminate you all!"

The prospect of entering Imladris, however, brought her good mood back. She was really close now. It took the whole morning to see one of the beautiful houses of the Elves in the distance, and after midday she finally reached the great ravine above which the eternal elven city had been built.

She prepared to enter the territory of Rivendell. She was more than certain that the Elves would be frightened to see her: after three days spent wandering like a ranger, always wearing the same clothes which were now dirty and ruined, she looked like a real savage.

She crossed the threshold.
The Elven guards approached her immediately. One of the two, without even asking her name, took a small horn that he kept hanging on the waist and played it. The signal that a visitor had just arrived.

"Good morning. Uhm...I am Roswehn Monrose, I come from the realm of Dale, Lord Elrond knows me well. I ask you to admit me in your territory." She started with the usual litany of presentation. The two Elves did not answer, they only stared at her from head to bottom. One finally said: "You are already in our territory. Wait here, and don't move."

After a few minutes, she saw an Elf dressed in purple with a long red-colored cloak that fell elegantly on his back, descending the stairs of what looked like a large house. He had long brown hair and intense brown eyes. He was quite attractive.

Elrond's counselor, she guessed

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Elrond's counselor, she guessed. "I salute you, Lindir of Rivendell." she said.

"You're welcome here Roswehn, daughter of Hannes Monrose. We've been waiting for you for a long time." the Elf smiled, and put a hand to his heart to greet her.
"Lord Elrond had told me you would have soon visited our reign. I know what happened to you." Lindir said. "Your adventure in Arnor and all the rest. I know you suffered a lot. Do you feel better now?"

"Yes, thanks Eru. It was horrible, but I'm trying to forget." she answered, feeling a bit embarassed. Her look was a mess. "I'm sorry for my appearance ... I've been walking for three days until now."

"... you have been walking from Esgaroth?" Lindir was amazed. "Where's your horse?"

"My horse has fallen into the ravines of the Misty Mountains, I have made the mistake of taking her on a narrow path, she has slipped down, with all my possessions, I have no more baggage, and I will have to ask you for clothes and shoes. What I wear is in bad conditions, as you see, I am sorry." Roswehn apologized.
Poor Eléntari. She imagined her mighty body lying on the bottom of that dark ravine.

Roswehn of MirkwoodWhere stories live. Discover now