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Loki smirked as he appeared himself behind her in the SHIELD lunch room, hovering over her as she poured herself some coffee. She was already smirking, already used to the minty sense of his presence.

He growled as pressed himself to her back, taking her waist in his hands to pull her hips towards his. She sighed and chuckled. "You shouldn't be here, Loki." She left the mug of coffee alone and reached her hand behind to thread it through his soft long hair.

"Quite frankly, I don't care." He roughly spun her to him and smirked down at the needy look on her face. He tipped her chin and lightly pecked her on the lips. She whimpered in disapproval and took his head in her hands to give him a fervent kiss. He kissed her back and crushed her against the table behind her. He pulled his lips from hers and licked them, enjoying the sight of her out of breath. "Tell me everything."

"Fury," she started kissing him again, "is forming," she spoke between heated kisses, "a team. The Avengers," she grabbed a fistful of his hair and arched into him as he bended her spine to deepen the kiss, "Avengers Initiative." She gasped when his large hands grabbed her ass and kissed his way down her neck.

"You will tell me all about these members." He said between devouring her warm, silky skin.

She moaned, and replied breathlessly, "I'm part of the team."

He chuckled against her neck. "That is even better."

"Mhmmm." She hummed in ecstasy.

"You and I will be unstoppable. With your skills and wits, we will be a complete puzzle. You will be my Queen, and you will be untouched by other men & women. You are mine, Natalia." He growled. "Who's your King?"

"You, Loki. You are my King. Only you." She moaned.

He pulled back from her after making his last mark on her throat. His eyes were dark with lust. He wickedly grinned. "You're doing a very good job, little spider. Keep it up."

She smirked. "What's my reward?" Her voice seductively rasped. She dragged her finger down his lips.

"Me." He said. "I will be yours tonight."

"I like the sound of that." She said dangerously, a devious smile on her face.

"Is that so?" His eyes flared with so much lust.

"I want you." She whispered.

"I know." He smirked.

"Don't get all snarky with me," she smiled.

He chuckled. "But you make it so obvious, my darling."

"Shut up." She blushed.

He laughed and played with a red curl. "I know I am to be in good hands tonight."

"I will show you who you belong to tonight, Loki. You can't imagine the things I'm going to do to you." Her voice was breathy and she was horny. Her alliance with Loki to domimate the world was the last thing in her mind right now.

"You need to get back to work." He teased her. "Your coffee will get cold."

"You came here." She said.

"And I apologize for that distraction." He smirked.

"Asshole. You're shameless." She smiled, her arms wound around his neck.

He kissed her one last time, this time it was gentle. Conveying his love for her. "I'll see you tonight." He winked at her before he vanished.

She remained standing there.

Her eyes snapped where the door just opened, and Agent Coulson walked in. She acted indifferent and nonchalantly took her mug of coffee. "Agent Romanoff." He nodded her way.

"Coulson." She smirked. "Good day." She walked out.

Agent Coulson stopped and narrowed his eyes. Something wasn't right here.

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