I Just Want Your Attention

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Natasha sighed as another day at the academy dragged on. Their uniform was fully black with red stripes on the blazers and long socks. She was just reprimanded on how short her skirt was although she believed that was horseshit because it was only an inch away from the knees. So what? It didn't have to end specifically at the knees! She just grew a couple of inches over night.

She rolled her eyes when Yelena joined her in their usual cafeteria spot.

"I'm sorry." The pretty blonde patted her hand as she took a seat beside her with her tray of lunch. "Teachers are old. And old people just like exaggerating."

Natasha sighed. "It's fine. I'm over it."

"Hey, ladies." Alexei, the last of their little group, joined them - squeezing himself between the two girls. They both groaned as they shifted apart to make space for him.

"Brat." Natasha snapped when he grabbed a fry from her plate.

"Where's your food?" Yelena narrowed her eyes at him.

Alexei just shrugged. "Just not hungry."

"Wait till he starves." Natasha remarked.

Yelena smirked. "I don't even get it. Isn't dieting and starving yourself like a girl-thing? It's not like he's fat, or the least bit chubby. If anything it is us females who have to worry what we do and don't put in her mouths."

Natasha shrugged, shamelessly eating her fries. "Not all females."

"Alright, now don't start that shit with me again." Alexei sniped. "I'm just not hungry, alright? Is it a bad thing to not feel like eating?"

"Yes." Yelena glared at him. "You're making us feel like fatties."

"You're both like little children." Natasha sneered.

There, just right after her comment, walked in the 'Asgardian group'. The most superior individuals in the academy.

Everyone would stop what they were doing to turn to watch them walk smoothly like they owned this place.

It was as if everything was in slow motion. Sif's beautiful shiny black hair elegantly waved as she cat-walked. Fandral had black shades on and looked too cool to talk to anyone even though he was the grand playboy of this school. Volstagg had lost a lot of pounds, but even before his confidence made him look attrative. Hogunn had grown out his hair a lot, appearing to be a member of a hot emo-band. Thor, the one always walking ahead of them as the leader, was obviously the hottest guy at school. He didn't even have to try.

And then, last but not least, was Loki. Brother to Thor.

He was walking beside him, and even though everyone fell for Thor, Loki was the one who broke most hearts. Girls would always choose between Loki & Thor, and sometimes cat-fights would start between obsessed girls. Thor would have the puppy expression of guilt if one of those happened in front of him, while Loki - the heartless bad boy - would smirk in amusement.

Natasha rolled her eyes and ripped her gaze away from the Asgardian group. Yelena and Alexei were still staring just like everyone else. She didn't understand why everyone was so awed with those assholes. It annoyed her to no end.

"You're both drooling, you know." She snapped.


Everytime Loki threw glances Natasha's way, her cheeks would turn the colour of her hair.

They had never talked before, never even met. But there was always, always tension between them.

Her throat would close up, her face would heat up and she would feel her heart thumping desperately.

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