Love You Always

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"Natasha, get down from there!"

She smirked, looking down at Loki from the tree. He was so cute and dramatic when he was concerned for her. "Will you just join me? It's exciting up here. Come on, Loki, don't be dull." She whined.

"No thank you! I prefer the feel of land beneath my feet, reassuring me of my safety unlike your situation!"

"At least my situation doesn't lack excitement. What's the point of being here if you're not willing to take a risk?"

"If you fall and break your neck, I will make sure to tell your father of your stupidity!"

She rolled her eyes. "You care so much about me!" She said sarcastically.

"Why are you so difficult?" His voice softened, and she smiled when he neared the tree.

"For so long we've known each other I'd think you know the answer to that question."

"Well do you?"

She shrugged. "Why am I difficult? Am I even being difficult? Because I'm certain you are the stuck-up rock who won't get up here with his best friend. Honestly, I thought you were brave and fearless. Don't tell me," her smirk was sharp, "the great and confident Loki Laufeyson is scared of a tree!"

His face turned red. "I'll have you know I fear no tree!"

"Then get up here, you scrawny butt!" She teased.

He scoffed. "Insulting me will not persuade me, Natasha."

"I don't have to persuade you. Get up here!" She snapped.

He glowered up at her, grumbling something incoherent before climbing up the tree and joining her on the tree stem.

She smirked at him. "There. Not so scary was it? Don't tell me your pulse was quickening."

"I was fearless." He said boldly.

"I'm surprised."

"It wounds me you had no faith in me, Natasha." He looked at her with a fake hurt expression.

"But what matters is that you proved me wrong, Braveheart. Next thing you know we're climbing mountains without hearing any of your protests." She teased.

He smiled when he saw that merciless spark in her green eyes.

She always had his heart.

"At least we'll do it together." He said.

Her heart swelled at that cute boyish grin on his face. "Unfortunately for me."

He laughed. "You are blessed to have me as your friend."

"I think you got the wrong definition of 'blessed'."

"Is that any way to talk to your angel?" He asked with a sarcastic voice.

"Oh shut up!" She scoffed. "Angel my ass. No, you're a little devil."

He bumped her side. "Your little devil."

She bumped his side back harder, making him laugh merrily. "My little devil." She smiled softly, resting her head on his shoulder when his arm curled on her shoulders.

Later that week, at school, Loki was going to confidently walk up to her and finally declare his feelings for her.

He wasn't sure what he was doing, but he didn't care.

But then he stopped in his tracks when he saw her in the distance with James, their bodies almost pressed together as they looked to be flirting.

His face frowned then morphed into a scowl, his jaw clenching. He breathed out and shook his head, rolling his eyes.

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