Not A Monster To Me

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She was bathing in her victims' blood, covered in the thick red liquid from head to toe, laughing maniacally as she splashed more onto herself. Her psychotic laughs drowned out as she sunk into the blood, now swimming into a sea of her victims' floating bodies in the red water. She felt the water try to drown her and she looked up, swimming her way up to the surface but then something pulled at her foot. Then at her other foot.

She looked down in horror as the corpse clawed at her legs, trying to pull her further in. Then they all came to live. They all grabbed at something. Some clawed at her hair, greedily pulling at her arms and legs until she felt like she was about to tear. Her screams were unheard in the sea of her victims' blood.

Natasha gasped and sat up, panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath. She was sweating, and she was hot. She was crying. Tears streamed down her face.

Loki soon woke up and noticed the tears and horror on her face. He pulled her into his arms and she desperately squeezed herself against him, crying in his chest. He softly shushed her and rubbed her back. He buried his nose in her red hair, the smell of vanilla making him squeeze his arms tighter around her. He kissed her forehead and told her sweet nothings until her whimpers faded.

She sighed and didn't feel hot anymore. In fact, she was beginning to feel a chill. She frowned. "Loki, why are you so cold?" She pulled back and though it was night, the moonlight filtering into their bedroom reflected on his blue skin and eerie red eyes that stared back at her in confusion. She gasped in terror and staggered back, falling from the bed painfully.

"Natasha?" His voice wavered with confusion and hurt.

He looked at her and noticed her shaking. "L-Loki..."

He looked down at his hands. His blue, ugly hands. He breathed hard and his heart started paining. Tears streamed down his rough blue cheeks and he moved away from her.

"Loki?" Her sweet gentle voice spoke.

He swallowed through the painful lump in his throat and just wanted to get away from her.

"How does it feel knowing you've been with a monster this whole time?" His voice cracked, even though he tried to sound bitter.

Natasha slowly stood up, staring at his hunched back that had drawn rough patterns and scars. He buried his face in his hands to hide his demonic red eyes. The fear she felt at first reaction was dissipating. This was still her Loki. It didn't change anything. She was just shocked. She was already in a vulnerable state.

She came to sit close to him but he shifted away. "Don't come near me. I'm a monster, Natasha."

She moved closer to him and took his wrists, moving his hands off of his face. She tipped his chin with her finger so that she looked at his face. She wiped the tears off his face, his skin cold.

The eerie red eyes that looked back at her were so full of anguish and pain, more beautifully vulnerable than the eyes she was used to. She traced the patterns on his face, finding him even more lovelier in her eyes.

"You're not a monster to me." She whispered.

His eyes swirled with emotion, it pulled at the strings of her heart. "But I am, Natasha."

"I am, too, Loki." She sadly smiled. "I've killed thousands of people."

"You're not a monster to me." He whispered.

She weakly laughed, tears rolling down her face as his own were streaming down his face as well. "I adore you." She said softly, kissing him firmly on his lips. She didn't care about the coldness of his touch, his lips were soft against hers. He kissed her back, making her moan as cold chills deliciously ran down her spine. She wound her arms around his neck and he pulled her close to him, laying her back on the bed.

"Mine." She whispered softly between kisses.


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