What was that

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You snap your eyes up from the book.
'What was that?!' Slowly, you set the book up against the log you sit on and reach for your spear, listening again for the bushes to move. 'There, to the right!' You leap up and stalk towards the bush. You push the leaves aside with the tip of your spear to reveal-
A rabbit? A rabbit.
It lets out that ear piercing, screechy greehaw noise before running away. "Stupid rabbits-" something else pounces out of the brush, knocking you to the ground.
It was big and hairy. Everything about it was pitch black except the tinted teeth snarling through a dog snout.
You're legs move before you can think 'Hell Hound!' You're on your feet and running. You didn't know where to go! Not to camp, they'll ruin everything, not to the brush, what if there's more?
Speaking of...The death acolyte lets out a fierce and long howl, calling it's brothers. You turn and there they are. Snapping at your heels
No where to go
No where to go!
'Left-no, right! Hurry! Move, move.' Without understanding how or why, the next thing you know, you're on the ground. Sharp claws digging into your back. In a Hail Mary you jab the spear upward, hoping to hit something. Thank heaven you do, by some slim chance you jabbed the beast in the eye, it howls in pain clawing off you and away from your spear. You spring up and start running again.
As if your luck couldn't get any worse, you see the sun dip below the horizon.
"Shit!" You hiss "Shit, shit, shit!" The words string together frantically you try pulling a torch from your bag. You only have one and can't afford to waste it. So you wait and run, wait, and run. The dark barely kisses land. "NOW!" You subconsciously exclaim kicking the torch to life. Faintly ahead, you see a herd of beefallo. Those things just got a new calf, and if you knew one thing about animals, it's how they'll fiercely protect their young. You beeline like a mad man to them, shouting to wake them up.
To your luck, they do, and they charge. Stamping on heads and snouts, you barely avoid the flying hooves.
You've out lasted the buggers. But at what price? You're alone, in the dark, lost, with all your supplies at camp, and bleeding out. What can you possibly do?

Walk. So you do. You walk to stay warm, walk to avoid the monster, walk to stay awake. Only once do you stop, when the sun crests into the sky. You're down and out cold.

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