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Sam {aka: Sammy} Hollister

Sam's POV

I swear people think being a werewolf is just the coolest thing in the world. Like no! It's not, your every sense is heightened you can hear, smell, see everything it's so annoying sometimes. And you transform to a wolf on full moons, and you sometimes roll around in grass.

My best friend Leah thinks that it's great, me on the other hand not so much. Like the bitch is crazy.

"Leah, can we please leave we've been in Sephora for like a hour" I whined, Leah had tried on her tenth shade of lipstick.

"No not yet, my highlight and eyeshadow have to match my lips" she said applying the lipstick carefully.

"Leah, I have some where to be today so can we please hurry" she shot me a glare. "Do you know how hard it is to get the perfect shade of lipstick?" She asked, I shrugged.

"Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I know makeup or clothes" Leah looked up and down.

"Yeah you got a point Sammy, you dress so depressingly" she said playfully. "And you act so bitchy, now can we please leave" she huffed putting the lipstick down.

"Fine. Fine. Fine, I can't believe your making me leave Sephora to go to this stupid lacrosse game. I don't even know anything about lacrosse" she whined. We went to the register sitting down her items.

"Because we promised Ryan, our best friend" I reminded her.

There was a women standing at the register wearing way to much eyeliner. Leah sat her make up on the counter, the women rung up her items one by one.

"Okay your total is $45.78" my mouth dropped. Leah looked at me like it was no big deal. "And you wonder why you don't have money for food, or gas" I said. She brushed away my little comment thanking the women, we finally left.

We walked to my black jeep. It was a birthday present from my no where to be found mother. Since her and my dad divorced, she never calls or text just sends birthday and holiday gifts.

"You know your attitude has been beyond shitty since this week started. If I didn't know any better I would think you had your period" Leah said, now I was the one glaring.

She had a point of course, but I couldn't help it. My mood had been a bit all over the place, but that was normal I guess.

She's one to talk. My wolf Gray said. He had a point when Leah was going through her bloody week her mood went from nice to anger, then to sad and it's just scary as hell. And than she craves chocolate and ice cream.

"Well I don't know what the hell to do about it" I said slightly irritated. "See what I mean" she says as she fixes her brown hair.

"I'm just stressed"

"Why" she says closing the little compact mirror in her hand. "Just am"

We made it to school just in time. The only reason we were here was because our other bestfriend Ryan was on the team he was co-captain. Our captain was Mr. Popular, Ezra Cody. He was also my alpha, he just became alpha a few months ago. His coronation was in April.

He was everyone's dream guy, even Leah had a little crush on him. She would never admit it though. By the second half of the game we were tied with our rivals, the East High Falcons.

"Leah will you pay attention to Ryan for like ten seconds" she huffed throwing her phone into her purse.

"Jeez I swear that phone is your life line, the world could be ending but you would want your phone so you could die in peace" she rolled her eyes.

After a while I started feeling hot, like beyond hot. The weather had dropped a few degrees making it cooler, but I was burning up.

"Are you okay" Leah asked she reached for my hand, pulling away once she made contact. "I'm just hot"

"Your really hot, do you have a fever or something" I shook my head. "I'm gonna get some water that should cool me down" Leah nodded.

I went to the bathroom, throwing some cold water on my face. "That feels nice" I said to myself as I grabbed a paper towel drying my face.

As I was getting ready to leave the bathroom the most intoxicating, and strong smell clouded my senses. The door creeked open, and in came Alpha Ezra. He didn't speak, he turned and locked the door.

"Alpha Ez-"

"Don't speak" he stated. He grabbed me pushing me against the wall. "Don't run"

"Why" I asked my voice low. Gray was scratching at my insides. He wanted out.

He's mine. Ezra brought me close as possible, his eyes flashed their red color letting me know he was the dominant and I his submissive. Unable to restrain himself, he took my lips with his, at first it was slow and passionate. Than the intensity grew, the passion. I felt like I was in a daze.

"Ezra" I moaned, when his knee ran over my cock. He growled signalling there wasn't no stopping.

"Alpha please" I begged as his assault went to my neck, he automatically knew where to kiss. He sucked my soft spot licking over it. At this point I wanted him to do whatever he wanted. A knock came at the door.

"Sam are you okay in there" it was Leah, I tried pushing Ezra off me. At first he didn't budge, than the second time he backed up. He went into the stall shutting and locking the door.

I quickly went to the door unlocking it. Leah looked at me worried. "Are you okay"

"Yeah I'm fine, I think I might just have that fever" I laughed nervously. "Oh no are you okay" she said.

I shook my head. "I just uh need some fresh air" I lied. I walked with Leah back to the bleachers. I couldn't believe what had happen.

Ezra is our mate. Gray said. That couldn't be though. When the game was over Ryan took Leah home sense they lived across the street from each other and I left alone.

The parking lot was empty when I got to my car. Waiting for me was Ezra. I didn't know what to do.

"So your my mate" he said almost as if he could careless. "I believe so" I said.

"The little, pathetic omega is my mate"

"Let's get something clear, one yeah I am small. Two I am no where near pathetic, and thirdly get the hell off my car" he was a bit surprised by my sassiness.

He grabbed me by my waist. I wanted to fight back but I was already getting hot again. "Now let me make something clear" he dipped his head kissing me, I didn't hesitate to kiss back, or take the opportunity to wrap my arms around him.

"One, your mine now. Two don't give me attitude. And three you better watch that mouth of yours, or else" he threatened.

"Or else what" I questioned. He smirked grabbing my ass causing me to jump. "You don't wanna know" he said before walking away.

Damn. Leah is gonna kill me...

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