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My eyes snapped up as the door was thrown open, Amelia was back in this time she brought company. "Come to kill me?" She shakes her head.

"We're letting you go" she simply states, do my ears deceive me or maybe it's the lack of food and dehydration getting to me.

"Your what?" I question. "We're letting you go, but first" she pulls out a needle. "What is that?" She smiles.

"Oh darlin it's some that'll help you out" she comes closer, and squirm in the chair my legs and arms struggling against the chains.

"Stop! What is that" The thick need like breaks through the skin of my neck, I groan.

"See you soon baby" she waves goodbye leaving the door open.

My head drifted back and forth as reality slowly turned into a terrible nightmare. My hands and legs were no longer bound with chain, I was able to stand. With wobbly legs I slowly exited the room.

Meeting a long corridor, there was a boy standing in the middle of the hall; it was me.

"Hey" I called out, he made eye contact than ran. I followed him done the hall and out of the I guess to be a warehouse.

He stood on the dirt road his hands covering his face. "Sammy it's okay" I say holding my hand out to me, he shy away.

"I'm a friend it's okay you don't have to be scared" he removes his hands. And I jump back, his face had melted to nothing there was nothing but a pitch black hole where my face should've been.

He runs off heading towards the woods, I quickly follow behind him. I lose him the deeper I go, the sun is starting to set. I noticed one thing moving along the outer banks of the woods.

A dark figure crawls, ominously advancing as I walked hesitantly back in the direction I came. The thing impersonating my every faint movement. He rises out of the murky depths of a mud puddle, creeping towards me.

"What are you? What do you want" the shadow points to the other side. It's Ezra, a smile appears on my face as I run towards him.

But just as I get to his arms, a hand breaks through his body, blood splatters and his heart is snatched out. My heart stops and I fall to my knees as his lifeless body does the same thing.


"Ezra please! Please don't leave me!" I beg, he isn't moving, he isn't breathing.

"I'm so sorry Ezra, pleas just open your eyes" I beg holding his head in my hands.

"Please Ezra I need you, I can't do this life thing without you" I sob into his chest. "Call me baby. Or adorable, something. I just...."

His eyes shut, and he's gone. And I feel dead inside, like the world a just shut off it's light for me. Like the moon goddess said I was no longer good enough for her warmth. I feel like every ounce of happiness, has been drained from my body and I have nothing left but darkness.

I can't leave him here, and he's too heavy to carry. I can't leave him, I can't... I just can't.

"I'll stay Ezra, I'll stay to the very end. Just you and me baby" I kiss his head laying beside him. The cold air bites at my bare arms.

"Always and forever Ezra I promise" I tell him, I wrap my arms around his body giving him all the warmth I have to spare.

Ezra's POV

Stepping into the old factory building was like stepping into a whole other world. It was like venturing onto a set of old train tracks and following them as far as they'd take you, ignoring the grass peeking up between the slats and the bits where the metal was rusted and broken.

The building seemed to shudder in the wind and sway as the rain attacked it. Finally we had caught on to Amelia, me and a few other guardian wolves surrounded the building, I gave the signal for us all to go in.

The place was empty, but I caught onto Sammy's scent, and his chemo signals. Fear, sadness, loneliness. We searched the entire factory, meeting up at the last room the door was open.

And there was my Sammy chained to a chair, his head down. I quickly make work of the chains ripping them off him.

"Sammy, baby it's me. It's Ezra" I pick his head up, and he's barely breathing. I noticed a syringe on the floor.

I lift his limp body "What did they do to you?" He shivers in my arm.

His once so lively attitude, and skin is now a dull reflection in a mirror. His eyes are deep with dark circles, his skin much paler than the last time I saw him. His arms and legs bloodied, and bruised because of the chains.

"I'm gonna make it better baby, I'm going to fix this" I assure him. His dad arrives in the truck.

"Is he.." I shake my head. "They dosed him with something, he's barely breathing and he keeps shaking" his eyes go down to his baby boy.

"I'll take him" he holds his hands out, and I hesitate. "It's okay Ezra" I nod slowly giving him away.

Quickly Mr. Argent takes off his jacket covering Sam's little body. Laying him inside the truck.

"Spread our find a scent! Find something I want them found and killed no matter what it takes!" I bark to my men, they all nod. I get inside the truck going back with Ryan, Mr. Argent and Sam.

This isn't over, not by a long shot.

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