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Alpha Lloyd Cody

Ezra's POV

I drove like a bat straight out of hell trying to get to the pack house. Sam insisting that I slow down, afraid we were gonna crash.

"Ezra your doing fifty in a twenty mile per hour" Sam said worried as we zoomed down the street. I took the backroad that connected to the main street, it'll take us straight to the pack house.

The gates opened as I arrived. I pulled in stopping in front of the front the door. I got out not wasting a second, taking Sam's hand we rushed inside. I went down to the infirmary were he was at.

My dad's ribs and arms were bandaged up. I could see a bite mark on his shoulder that was slowly healing. An I-V line hooked up to his arm. I didn't say anything just stared at him.

"Ezra I'll go wai-"

"No I need you here with me or there's no telling what I'll do. Or who I'll hurt" Sam gave me a sad smile bringin me in for a kiss. "Your dad's gonna be okay" he said as I sat down next to the bed.

There was a knock and in came Dr. Louie. "You must be the mate the wolves are whispering about" she said shaking hands with Sam who blushed looking at me.

"Hi Alpha"

"Doc, how's he doing"

"His vital signs are good, but whoever did this they knew where he would be. And caught him by surprise, his healing his taking a while due to the deepness of the claws" she explained.

"I was told that rogues did it" she closed the door, making sure no one was around.

"Beta Dalton thinks otherwise. It was too precise, and they were to careful. They were gone once the others got there, it was as if they knew all along" that made me mad as hell. To think there could be a traitor in the pack, one so bold that they would attack my father.

"Thank you Doc" I said shaking her hand. She left me and Sam.

As we got back in the car I could tell he was itching to say something but he wouldn't. Instead I listened in on his thoughts.

A traitor... in the pack, that's impossible no one could ever.. would they?

"You would be surprised how many people would betray there pack." I said startling him. "How do you do that?" He asked coming next to me.

Sam's POV

"How do you do that" I questioned.

"Do what baby?"

"Focus on my thoughts. I've tried doing it with you but it's like your mind is blocked" I explained, he chuckled a little.

"Its not hard at all, your focusing to hard it's like opening and closing your eyes you naturally do it. Or like think to yourself. Don't focus so hard just let it come to you" it felt harder than he made it seem. "Okay and can I ask you something?"

"Anything" he said turning down a street I didn't recognise. "Okay I have two questions" he nodded waiting for me to say it.

"Um question one can you teach me how to fight. And two why are you kidnapping me" he laughed at the second part, but I was pretty damn serious.

"Its not kidnapping if you go willingly" I rolled my eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes?" He asked.

"And if I did" I said smirking. "Than I would be forced to stop this car and bend you over in the back seat.

"That's funny because you know damn well that you-" the car stopped on the side of the empty road. The sun setting. Ezra took off his seat belt, getting out the car coming around my side.

I quickly locked the door. He laughed as he tried to open it. I stuck my tongue out as he accepted his defeat. He got back in the car. "Your so childish" I laughed. He leaned over kissing me hard. That set up the mood.

His hand gripping my thigh, his other one holding me in place as his tongue invaded my mouth without permission.

"Ezra" he was rubbing my bulge through my jeans, that were way tighter then when I put them on. He growled pulling away, this time going for my neck. He lightly, licked, sucked and nibbled. I wanted him now badly.

He stopped, and I was confused. He smirked devishly, starting the car back up continuing our drive. "Ezra" I whined.

"Yes Sam" he said innocently. "Really your gonna leave me like this" I said pointing to my bulge trying to hide it.

"I don't know what you mean" he said holding back a smile. I groaned trying to adjust myself in the seat but it wasn't helping.

We pulled up to this little resturaunt, the sign said Milo's in big neon cursive letters. We get out and went into the resturaunt.

"Milo you here" Ezra yelled over the counter. A man appeared from the back they looked like brothers. "We are" Ezra said as the guy came around giving him a hug.

"I haven't seen you in months, little brother" the guy Milo said smiling.

"Same here"

"Wait little brother?" I questioned. Ezra nodded. "Why aren't you alpha?"

Milo smiled faded a little. "Well um, I got a girl pregnant"

"I'm not just any girl, you asshole" a women came from the back rubbing her belly. She looked like she was 7 months. She had long curly hair, and pretty hazel eyes.

"Mila how are you in the twins" He gave her a hug.

"Sam this is Mila my brothers fiance" Mila gave me a wave as she continued rubbing her stomach. "What brings you out of the way" Milo asked.

"Dad, he got into some trouble. Ambushed by rogues... rumor has it, there's a traitor in the pack" I followed as we went in sat in a booth.

"Its not impossible Ez, you know that" Milo said sitting across from us. "That may be true but why now, why after I become alpha we've never had a problem like this" Ezra explained, I could tell he was disappointed.

"Look enough with the heavy, let's talk about you okay, and this gentleman you have with you" he said smiling towards me.

"He's my mate"

"No duh idiot"

"I'm Samuel Hollister" I said extending my hand, he shook it. "Well Samuel Hollister, is my brother annoying you yet"

"Yeah real funny, you got a bathroom in this joint" Ezra said sarcastically. "Yeah to the back turn left"

Once Ezra left I felt awkward. "Sam, there's something you need to know" Milo said, I wonder why he waited till Ezra left.

"My brother is the type of leader who is willing to bare all the pain, and blame he'll never say he's hurting. He'll never admit that he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. When I left the pack to be with Mila, it tore my my family apart my dad was livid. And Ezra he was forced to take on the part. My father trained him to be tougher than I was, tougher than he was. All I ask of you as his mate is don't let him bare this cross alone, be there for him be the anchor he needs to stay in control." He paused

"Ezra will never admit this either but he's a killer, and if there is a traitor Ezra won't hesitate" Ezra came back and Milo acted as if everything was perfectly normal. While I was trying my hardest not to think about what was said while I was around him.

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