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Sam's POV

I went through school like a zombie, zoned out not paying attention to anyone. Ezra was trying his hardest to make me feel better but it wasn't working out. I didn't know how I was gonna go home, how I was gonna face her.

"Babe".... "Sammy are you listening"

"Huh?" He looked annoyed. "I'm not annoyed"

"What happen this morning with your mom-"

"I don't wanna talk about it" he grabbed my arm. "Ezra can we please not do this. I don't want to go home, and I really don't wanna talk about it-"

"Come over today

"And I know what your gonna- wait what did you just say?"

He laughed pushing up against the wall. Kissing me gently. "What about my dad I don't want to just leave him there"

"Come" kiss "over" kiss "today" kiss. He gave me a cheesy smile.

James POV (Sam's Dad)

"So why are you here" Amelia sat across the table from me, she had been twirling her hair for the longest.

She always did that when she was nervous, that or biting her lip. "James is it a crime for me to wanna see my son-"

"Don't go there Mia" I warned taking a sip of my scotch. She sighed. "What do you mean don't go there"

"Don't act like all of a sudden your his mother Mia-"

"The hell does that mean" She said glaring at me.

"It means you left 11 years ago. You left me, and your 7 year old son Mia. He was devastated I was too, we lost our minds. Do you know how hard it is to explain to a fucking kid why his mother up and left with another man that isn't his father. Do you" I slammed my hand on the table, I needed to calm down.


"Don't Mia, I understand that you wanted something different but why didn't you leave before hand. Before you got pregnant before I- we got married-"

"I was in love with you James I never a day in my life stopped loving you and Sammy. At that point in my life when I left I thought I was doing the right thing-"

"You had a affair-"

"James plea-"

"Don't Amelia! Maybe it doesn't matter to you but it does to me. Sammy waited on you to come home, and I did to. Everyday for almost a year he asked where you were. And were you ever coming back, the fucks sake if I know. So I had to tell him the truth, he was a child and I had to explain to him that his mother didn't want to be with him anymore"

"That doesn't make me any less of a parent James and you know it"

"It doesn't" I asked, she hung her head. "You know nothing about him. Not his favorite things, foods, colors. You don't know who he is as a person. When he hit puberty, and he started to really understand his sexuality. Where were you? Huh? Birthdays? Doctors appointments?  He came out to me when he was 15, he was scared for his life. He brought over his first boyfriend and I knew he wanted you there. But no you. You were no where to be found" Amelia began to cry tears dropped off her little nose.

I hated when she cried it broke my heart every time. "How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long are you gonna be in town, because your not gonna play mom than disappear on him again" I said coldly.

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