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Sam's POV

The next morning I woke up in Ezra's arms he was holding me. I swear his arms made me feel so safe and secure.

"Having you here makes me feel the same" he mumbled I jumped. He glanced down at me. "Goodmorning"

"Morning" he tried to kiss me and I moved. "No kiss?"

"No you have morning breath" he laughed. "If you love me.."

"I'll make you go brush your teeth" I teased. He rolled his eyes. "You know you have to go home today?"


"I don't know because your dad has been calling in you have been ignoring his calls" I groaned.

"Ezra I-"

"Sammy I get it baby I really do. But your dad wants you home. He's already called twice this morning"

"Okay fine" I huffed. "But first food"

"We can pick something up on the way there. I have to get to the pack house"

"Is something wrong" I asked him. He paused before shaking his head.

"No babe everything is fine" I listened to his heartbeat. It was steady. "Okay"

I got up, and got dressed, brushing my teeth. Ezra stood behind me doing the same. We played around a little splashing water.

"You ready" he asked I nodded grabbing my overnight bag.

When we got to the house my dad's car was still there. That's weird he works on Saturdays. Ezra pulled off, I waved him goodbye.

I went inside, the first thing I smelled was blood. On the wall and floors there was blood splatter some was even on the ceiling.

I could tell there was a struggle, I walked to the kitchen his coffee mug was shattered on the tile floor. He was ambushed, the chair was flipped over.

He fought back.

I than found his gun on floor, the wall had a hole in it and there was glass everywhere. He kept fighting. I braced myself. My heart was beating so loud I couldn't hear my fucking thoughts.

Shell casings were on the floor. I followed the trail of blood my heart was now beating in my ears. In the middle of the room was my dad tied to a chair. His mouth gagged, his face bleeding his body covered in claw marks. I ran to him, breaking the ropes that bound him.

"Dad!" "Dad!" I laid him on the floor trying to do CPR. Still there wasn't a pulse. I kept going I didn't stop.

No Pulse.

"1..2..3.. Dad! Open your eyes please! Please!" I screamed over and over.

No Pulse.

"Dad! Don't do this don't leave me, please don't leave me. Please!" I cried I was still doing CPR.

"Wake up! Dad wake up!"

"I'm sorry dad! I should've answered. I'm so sorry. Please wake up!"

Still no pulse..

I kept going with the CPR just praying he'll wake up. Finally he jumped he gasped, before passing back out. His heartbeat was steady but it was so weak. I quickly called the paramedics. I wanted next to him.

"Dad just stay with me please just stay with me!"

"Fuck. Fuck their taking to long." I was so scared.

The paramedics arrived. They quickly gave him oxygen, and put an I.V in his arm.

"Sir I need you tell me how long he's been like this"

The guy asked. "Sir. Sir listen to me I know your in shock"

"I don't know! I don't know okay I jus..just found him like this" the guy nodded.

"What's his name-"

"James Hollister. I'm his s..son Sam" I was shaking.

I suddenly felt a cold emptiness inside of  me as if all thw warm familiar part of my life was just taken away and could never be given back. My heart sank in that moment. I followed behind as they took him into the ambulance I rode with him.

When we made it to the hospital he was rushed into the O.R. I sat with my back against the wall, slowly sliding down. I looked at my hands they were covered in his blood, I pulled my phone out of pocket listening to the voicemail he had left me.

"Sammy... I know your mad, and hurting. I know your with Ezra so I know your safe kiddo. Your mom is coming over in a few minutes, let's just sit down and talk. I know it's hard kiddo, but we gotta at least try. Okay? I love you Sammy, please come home. See you kiddo."

I hung up the phone I rocked myself for a couple minutes than I snapped throwing my phone across the room.

"Fuck!" I was semi glad that it didn't break. I sat there for what like hours, soon people were here: Leah, Ezra, his dad and some people from the pack.

Ezra tried to hug me but I didn't wanna be touched. "Baby?"

"Is he going to be okay" Leah asked. I felt like I was having a outer body experience. I could hear and see everyone talking to me but I couldn't react. I was just stuck.

"Sammy talk to us" Ezra again tried to touch me this time I slapped his hand away. "Please dont... don't touch me"

"I'm sorry Sam can you tell us what happened"

"I don't know... everything seemed to happen so fast that i just.. I don't remember" I went and sat down on the cool leather seat.

Ezra sat next to me. "I can't lose him" I said my voice barely over a whisper.

"I know baby"

"I want her found.."

Ezra looked at me confused. "I heard your call with Mikey last night. I want my mother found, and I want that son of a bitch she's with too"


I looked at him with a dead stare. "Find them. And if you happen to kill them that works too"

"Sammy you don't-"

"I mean it. I mean every word of it. I want their heads on a silver platter." I turned back around, a dark silence falling over us.

"She's your mom" Leah added.

I scoffed, chuckling a little."No she's not. She never was. And she never will be."

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