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Sam's POV

I feel Ezra shake me awake. I sit up wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

"What time is it?" Looking over at the clock 4:56 am.

"They got a lead on your mother. It seems her men have been slacking. Our chameleons have spotted them going in and out of a warehouse on the edge of town." I wipe the sleep out of my eyes.

"Okay I'll go put on-"

"No" Ezra stops me. "You stay here let us go scope the place out. When the time is right then you come" instantly I become annoyed.

"Why the hell do I have to wait" Ezra sighs, he kisses my head. "Think about it this way, if it's nothing more than a trick we would have wasted our time and efforts. I'll go with the guys, you stay here and remain safe" he explains, against my better judgment I say agree.

Ezra kisses me before heading out. I find myself having a hard time falling asleep afterwards. I twist and turn, fluffing the pillow every other minute like that's gonna help. I groan slamming my head into the bed, looking ar the clock it was now 6:13.

I start to worry. Sitting up I pull my knees to my chest, resting my head on it. I watch as raindrops start to hit the window the sky was dark and grey the smell of rain seemed to calm me. I watched as the lightning strikes the sky, and thunder adds bass to it.

I slowly rock myself, my eyes start to drift. I try to fight my sleep, wanting to wait till Ezra came back, but sleep engulfs me. Before I know it I'm knocked out cold.

Ezra's POV

Me, three of our guys and Dolton arrived at the warehouse walking through the woods instead of driving. It would give us more of an advantage, especially because of the rain and thunder rumbling.

I signal for Trist one of our guys to follow me while Ethan went with Dolton. It was said to be two of Stephan Union's main guys leaving the building a few hours before hand. out the building. Arriving at the old warehouse, it turned out to be a waste.

It was a complete mess, to put it nicely. From outside the boarded windows, the shabby wood paneling and the pealing door that was bolted with iron rods, all looked threatening enough to keep the limited number of noisy kids, and wanders away. However behind the exterior the innards where equally destroyed, if not worse off.

The entire building was empty, it hadn't looked like anyway took up any type of service in here in years. Their scents barely lingered in the air, neither were Amelia's. I look at my watch, Sammy should be back to sleep by now.

I just wanted to end this for him. Take away all of his pain. I knew it was close to impossible but that doesn't mean I couldn't try. We inspect the warehouse some more before it was time for us to leave.

The only thing the guys came up with was a note addressed to Sammy:

'With all my love, I'll see you soon darlin. Love Mama'

I shake my head crumbling up the paper she had played us. Lured us here, but why. Why send us off- Sammy!

"We need to go now, we need to fucking leave" I bark. Dolton rushes to my side.

"What is it?"

"It was a set up their coming for Sammy" I explain as we cut through the woods. I begin to run, sprint, leaping over logs and twigs. I needed to get to him. I couldn't lose him, not to them. Hell not to anyone.

Sammy's POV

I wake up to someone coming in the guest house. "Ezra?" I say groggily. A guy wearing a mask comes into view. I instantly jump up.

"We have Ezra" he says. "No" I bare my fangs, shifting. I go to slaughter the guy but he grabs me by neck. Choke slamming me into the floor, I scratch and claw at him it made no since how easily he was overpowered me.

"Awwn, and here I thought you would out up more of a fight..." he mocks.

"Your father did" I muster unknown strength pushing him off of me. Slamming him into the mirror behind us.

He threw his body weight behind the fist that edged closer to my face, it hit my jaw with such force blood pooled into my mouth. Pain erupted from the point of impact. With my own two hands I grasped his head in my hands and brought my knee cap up to his nose, there was a blunt crack and I released his dark haired head.

"You son of a bitch" I bit out as we continued to fight.

Crimson leaked from both his nostrils and his nose was twisted right. He drew his fist back again and it ploughed into my stomach, it was like hitting a train head on. My guts smashed together, blood vessels bursting. He laughed as he got the upper hand once again. Slamming me against the wall, he begin to squeeze my neck until no air was able to fill my lungs. I passed out.

I woke up to cold metal running down my face, my arms bounded behind my back, as I sat in the rusty chair. Wolfbane covered the dull room, keeping me in a dull, drugged state.

"What should we do with em" a voice asks I could barely make out any figures, let along focus. "Nothing not until the boss gets here" the other voice answered.

I was going in and out thanks to the poisonous wolfbane. "Wh..where am I how did I.. how did I get here" my words slurred as I tried to raise my head.

A door opened, and I could hear heels clicking against the concrete floor "Awwn darlin' I really wish it didn't have to come to this" I recognized the voice automatically.

I lifted my head meeting the familiar pair of eyes "Y.. you?"

Her hand whipped across my face. "You shouldn't had disobeyed your mother"

I let out a chuckle, I didn't know where it came from but it escaped my mouth. The chuckle turned into a bitter, humorless laugh.

I spat in her face "You sadistic, narcissistic bitch how dare you call yourself a mother" I laughed. Once again her hand whipped across my already stinging cheek.

"Boy" she warned. A bitter laugh escaping her.

"I'll kill you, I'll rip you limb from fucking limb Amelia. Just like you did dad, I'll make you suffer the same way he did" I spit, my voice laced with hatred, and venom. Though my thoughts were heavily clouded.

"I'll break you, I'll take everything you care about. I'll slaughter you Amelia!" My threat was cut short as I was in the back of head, blacking out.

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