It's You

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Bakugo stood over him. On a step above he towered over Kirishima.

"O-oh...Hey... why are you up...?" Kirishima asked with a lump in his throat.

"Why are you acting weird around me?" He asks with a cold facial expression,"I tell you about Deku and I...I tell you my biggest secret...and you just start...", he takes a pause to gather himself,"were you lying about being okay with it..."

Kirishima pauses,"no...I wasn't lying at all I-"

"Shut up!", he says to cut him off,"then why are you acting like you are, huh?"

"I...I don't...", he stops himself,"can we talk somewhere more private?" He asks

"Yea", he says,"we go to my room then"

Kirishima lets out a sigh of relief,"how did you know I was out here?"

"I didn't, I just went downstairs and here you were", he says while walking upstairs

Kirishima nods and the two of them walk upstairs in total silence. They reach Bakugos' room and go in.

His room looks like any teenage boys room, messy, but just messy enough to pass, there's a computer, some super hero posters, along with some clothes on the floor, and some random clutter. Bakugo takes a seat on his bed and Kirishima sits on the computer chair.

"Talk", he says with no nonsense.

"Well...I guess...", Kirishimas' heart was in his throat,"I mean...I don't know how to say this...", he says and laughs awkwardly.

"I'll punch it out of you", Bakugo replies

"I'm sure you would", he says and takes a deep breath,"I...well I like you a lot but you like Deku and I guess I got jealous so I reacted by being a jerk", he says as fast as he possibly could,"sorry..."

Bakugo smiles,"I knew"

"You what?"

Your Arms Can't Hold Me (BakugouxKirishima) (bnha)Where stories live. Discover now