Bakugo I-

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//WARNING: if you don't like panic attacks please don't read this chapter//

Everything went silent in Kirishimas' mind. He could only back away slowly with his eyes closed. All the air in his body left him and he felt his heart in his throat. He looked up to see Bakugo.

He looked apologetic, which is unusual- honestly it's unusual for him to show emotion besides wanting to be the best.

"I'm sorry", is all he says.

Kirishima still couldn't speak. The kiss rendered him silent. All the thoughts came rushing into his head all at the same time. The forefront of his mind was filled entirely with every memory and every thought he ever had about Bakugo. Everything became so suddenly overwhelming it became hard to breathe or think straight. He couldn't focus on what Bakugo said next, it all sounded distorted and his heart kept beating faster. Too much happened all at once, all in one week, all in one day, all in one moment.

He felt like this was it for him, he felt worthless, but at the same time he felt like Bakugo truly did like him back. But more-so he found himself unable to think much beyond the moment. He felt himself start shaking and fell weak to the floor. His head kept buzzing with thought after thought, too much was happening too much, too much, too much, too much.

Kirishima knew exactly what was happening, he just couldn't think. Bakugo was in front of him trying to shake him out of whatever the hell was happening. Too much, that's the only thing he could think. Bakugo was trying to get him back to himself. But he couldn't just come back to normal, nothing was normal- he felt so many emotions all at once and he couldn't process a single one anymore.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you...I just...I'm just selfish and mean...a-and I just...", Bakugo crouched on the floor beside him, biting his lip and wiping tears from his face. "I'm sorry...".

Kirishima sat up and tried talking through the nonsense in his head. Bakugos' words made him even more confused, and nothing was helping. He tried calming himself down but he would just keep crying.

"Why's any of this happening...?...Why? How do you really feel about me...why'd you lie to me...why do I still like you...why do I want to hate you?" He kept asking questions through the tears. Looking up, he saw Bakugo crying as well, nothing makes sense, and how could it ever?

"I...I just...", He had to pause to take a deep breath between tears,"I was too scared tell you how I I lied to see if I could...if I could get a reaction...", he kept crying,"I'm so sorry...I didn't want to hurt you..."

Kirishima wiped his face, still crying. Crying made him feel weak, and all he wanted was to stop, but he couldn't.

"What do you mean?" He asked shakily.

Bakugo wiped his face even though tears kept streaming down,"I like you, Kirishima..."

He sucked in a deep breath,"okay". He felt no better than before. Tears kept rolling down his face. "Sorry...about's just tonight's been...", he looked away,"I just need some sleep", he says and stands up.

Bakugo watches him from the floor,"I'm sorry...", he says again

"Get some sleep too...okay?" He says with a fake half smile. He leaves to his room and sits against the closed door. His breath and hands still felt shaky, his palms felt clammy, and he felt his heart still beating a million miles a minute. The last thing imprinted in his mind was Bakugo crouched on the floor, wiping away his tears, and watching him walk away with a look of regret on his face.

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