Forgiveness and Lipstick

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"A lots changed since then...I just don't feel like the same person anymore", Bakugo said quietly.

Kirishima turned to him,"even if you don't feel the same you're still you..."

He moved close enough to barely touch him. Just being close to him made his heart flutter and get caught in his throat. For a single moment he just wanted to hold his hand and tell him everything's alright, and no matter what he'd always have him.

Bakugo lay silently for a couple minutes,"I's hard to explain everything..."

He frowned,"I know".

"I just feel bad about what happened, and I'm so worried about everything and I just cover it up, but I just...I don't like opening up but I just can't deal with it alone", he says and turns to face Kirishima,"do you feel alone too?"

His heart almost stopped in his chest,"right now...I feel like I'm finally talking to you...I feel it no one wants me around. Or how no matter what even if I try as hard as I can I just can't reach the top, and everyone wants everyone else's place...and they won't say it...but they all hate each other just because we each want that top spot and...". He stops,"I just wanted to be happy...I fell into that whole mess and I felt weak and I felt like I needed to get stronger and I changed everything about myself just to be who I thought I wanted to be...".

Bakugo's face went soft, he smiled sadly. His eyes connected with Kirishimas,"I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels it...", he says quietly.

Kirishima leaned over him, he felt so happy to just be with him. He just wanted to be there with him, for one single moment, and that's what he got, he got all he wanted. Bakugo looked up at him a small blush formed on his face.

"I feel like I opened up too much", he said

"No...I'm glad to talk to you", he replied with a smile. He felt himself give in, all the fear and apprehension about being with him vanished in an instant. And for a moment, his entire head went silent. The moment he kissed him he felt such relief, as if everything that happened built up to this singular moment.

He pulled away and smiled,"sorry...I just-"

Bakugo smiled at him and pulled him back to his lips,"don't apologize..."

Your Arms Can't Hold Me (BakugouxKirishima) (bnha)Where stories live. Discover now