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Kirishima lay awake for the rest of the night. There was no chance he would sleep, even if he tried. After calming down he just kept running through the night in his head. He felt so many feelings, and he wanted to be upset; but he just couldn't bring himself to be.

The idea appeared just to pretend nothing happened, no crush, no kiss, nothing. Nothing ever happened, none of the pain, or the heartbreak. He would pretend Bakugo was just another friend in school, and he would pretend that the night was just a dream. No problem, he felt like he could go on pretending like this forever if he really wanted to.

A sigh escaped him. Yeah right... He really had a hard time just pretending. Everything just seemed to keep escalating. So much happening at once easily gets overwhelming. He closed his eyes and put his music on. Just something to drown out life. If just for a moment everything could vanish and he could be somewhere else...it really did all feel pointless.

Restless, all night long. Enough happened in the earlier hours that he really couldn't fall asleep. He was in bed by four, and he found it ridiculous to try and sleep if he was just going to get up a couple hours later. He rubbed his eyes and turned off his alarm before it went off. He got up and stretched, put on his clothes, fixed up his hair a bit, and did a couple more things before going down for breakfast.

The goal. Avoid Bakugo at all cost, and pretend nothing happened. He went downstairs problem free and ate breakfast with Mina and Kaminari as he always did.

He must have looked tired because the first thing Kaminari said was," wow, looks like someone stayed up watching movies".

Mina laughed,"shut up! I bet he was playing games or something, ya know- like you do".

Kirishima rolled his eyes and kept eating, it's too early to deal with their hyperactivity.

"You're usually more spirited, what's really up?" Mina asked and leaned over to tap his shoulder.

"It's uh-", He began just as Bakugo entered, he swiftly turned away,"too much games in one night, you know, I really just need to learn when I need to sleep"

They laughed in reply,"I thought so!" Mina said and shoved Kaminari lightly.

"Yea...", he said and fake laughed along.

Kirishima could feel Bakugo's eyes staring into his soul. A shudder went down his back.

"Looks like someone's staring", Mina says and makes eyebrows,"Hey! Bakugo! Stop sitting alone so-".

Kirishima almost leapt over the table to cover her mouth. Bakugo already stood up and was making his way over. "Mina why...".

"Was I not supposed to?" She asks

He smiles,"nah I just, I'm doing weird things, no sleep does weird things to you".

Kaminari sighs,"preach".

Bakugo sits down right next to Kirishima. He could almost brush up against him. He could feel him he was so close. He felt his body get tense. I don't want him near me.

The rest of the table kept talking like all was normal. Kirishima just sat in silence, his thoughts on Bakugo kept resurfacing. He needed to find a good way to stay away from him, somehow he'd figure it out.

"Hey, Kirishima- hello? You alive?" Kaminari asks with a smile; pulling him straight out of his thoughts.

"What?" He asks

"We were asking about the license exam, remember, the one Aizawa mentioned yesterday? Are you ready?" Mina asks

"Oh crap I totally forgot about that...", they were supposed to prepare for it in the next few days too. How was he supposed to function with all this going on,"I hope I get my license..."

"You're tough, I'm sure we'll all get ours!" Mina replies.

All the talk about school and the exam kept going Kirishima did his best to participate, but Bakugos' presence made him want to puke. Something needed to change, he couldn't just keep going like this forever, he needed to get over his problem with Bakugo.

Your Arms Can't Hold Me (BakugouxKirishima) (bnha)Where stories live. Discover now