Chapter 8 - your drunk carter

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I heard screaming , I got up and tried to not wake Carmin up . Jack G also got up too . I told him to stay and lay with her just in case she got up . I didn't want her to have a panic attack, if she heard yelling and nobody was next to her she could get scared .

I ran down stairs.

" guys what's going on here ! " I said.

" Carter is about to go punch hurt Taylor again !" Autumn said.

" yea he got up and luckily Taylor and I share a room , or he would be dead. " Nash said.

" SHUT UP NASH , I wasn't going to kill him ! I wanted to talk to him . " Carter screamed.

" who wants to talk to someone at 3:30 in the morning ?!" Jack J said.

" Carter u better not wake Carmin up ! " Autumn said.

" whateva you all are losers anyway . I'm going to bed." Carter said.


I texted Autumn to see what was going on.

To fall 💞

hey what's going on down there ?

From fall 💞

nothing just go back to bed .

To fall 💞

no tell me ! I heard trashy nash and I want to know ! is cameron mad that Nash asked u out ?

From fall 💞

um no Nash didn't ask me out . and it was Carter he wanted to hurt Taylor again . and is nash going to ask me out ?

To fall 💞

I said to much , night fall

From fall 💞

okay whatever lol night poo bear

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