chapter 35 - wanna go to the dance with me

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I stood there gazing into his big blue eyes. I was just waiting for him to ask my to the dance ( aka homecoming )
" Autumn come inside, and hurry ! " Cameron yelled.
" Sorry Mark, what did you want to say ? "
" Oh what, nothing . Bye Autumn." Mark said when his head down walking away.
I just stood there. I walked back inside with my head down .
" Autumn wanna go swimming with Nash,Hayes,and me ? " He asked.
" I guess . "
" Good because there coming over anyways." he said mocking my voice.
" And there spending the night, so Hayes is in your room . " He yelled while walking away.
I quickly called Carmin for her to come over and spend the night.
Carmin ; Hey girl
Me ; Hey wanna come over & spend the night ? Hayes is spending the night too ! So we will all go to school together..
Carmin ; yeah lemme ask and then I'll pack ... my mom said yeah .
Autumn ; Yay bye girl
Carmin ; bye my loser
all I could think about was Mark . I mean I really did like him in the past. I wanted him to ask me out again. Then I thought about Bradley ... oh how I missed his warm hugs and small kisses. Why did he have to go so soon ?
" Hayes & Nash are here Autumn come down ! " My mom yelled.
I put on my bathing suit and ran down stairs. I took Hayes hand and walked him into my room , I mean he's been he before but whatever ..
" Woah your rooms bigger then before ! " He said
I just laughed and we went out to my pool
" Hey ! " Nash said , practically checking me out .
" Hi "
" Wanna go to the dance with me ? I mean if you want " he said nervously.
" No sorry , I already have a date."
" Oh well I'll go back to the pool" he said with a sad look on his face.
Wait I don't have a date ! Why would I say that .. Ughhhh

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