Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Two weeks flew past. I spent the time visiting old friends, meeting friends I couldn't remember, and enjoying my time with my sisters. I couldn't help wishing I had decided to come earlier. I hadn't remembered anything, but the familiar environment made me feel more at ease. However, it definitely was weird without Louis. All of my childhood memories included him.

"Are you done packing?" Fizz inquired as she stuck her blondish-brown head into my room. 

"Yeah. Thank God we're only there for a week." I sighed as I shoved the very last item of clothing into the already over-stuffed bag. Let's just say I like clothes. Plus we were going to London and most likely, I'd be going out in the city. 

Coming home to my closet was like a massive shopping spree, since I couldn't remember owning any of these clothes before. The first few days I was back, Lottie and I tried on every single one of my outfits. 

"We're getting in the car, c'mon, you guys!" Daisy yelped as she ran down the hall, not even bothering to look into my room. I grunted as I picked the suitcase up. Oh, yeah, two days ago I got my cast off and I was now fully healed from the accident. Except, I still couldn't remember anything from the last three years.

"I want too!"

"But it's my turn!"

"Stop arguing, I'm riding shotgun."

"That's not even fair, Lottie."

"Life isn't fair, get used to it."

"Quit your arguing, Brook gets the front." My mum stopped the twins, Lottie and Fizzie. They all let out a unison groan before starting to argue who got the furthest backseat. I laughed as I threw my suitcase into the back of the van. I then clambered into the front seat. Immediately, Justin Bieber was blasting through the stereo and I slightly grimaced. Within ten minutes we were at the train station. We easily boarded the train and I grabbed The Hunger Games and opened it. I couldn't wait until I could brag to Josh that I had read all of it.


The second we walked into the flat complex, I fell myself getting smashed into very familiar arms.

"Hey, Lou!" I grinned maniacally, hugging him back. He pulled away with a huge smile before going down the line and hugging the twins, Fizzie and Lottie. I stood off to the side as he said hi to our mum.

"We can head to our flat, Harry's in Cheshire. Juliet comes in about an hour or so." Louis announced as he practically herded us into what I assumed was his flat.

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