Close Your Eyes, Mr. Player ~ Chapter 2

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this chapter is probably short too, but i tried my best :P


Chapter 2

July 7th, 2011

~Facebook Wall~

Lori Canalise - Did anyone else hear about the accident? Apparently Jesse is in a 'fragile state'  whatever THAT means. I say the guy had it comin'. 

-Hannah: I could NOT agree more. 
-Lori: Right? SO had it coming.  

Darren Saunders - (Lorin Canalise) - Wait when did this happen? Why the hell does no one tell me about  this crap?

- Lori: Apparently it happened like yesterday and it was all over the news. I don't know, I don't watch the damn news! 
- Darren: Well dammit, no one tells me this shit!
-Hannah: Oh please Darren, like you give a crap about the guy. You're probably just happy you got your point guard position back.
-Darren: Hannah, what the hell do you even know?  

July 23rd, 2011

~Facebook Wall~

Hannah Carlyle - I just heard that Jesse is in a medically induced coma, AND he apparently may lose his eyesight! Can you imagine?!

-Bailey: Oh, he's a big boy he'll be able to handle it.
-Darren: You kidding? Jesse will NEVER live without seeing. He'll probably go on some bad ass rampage or something.
-Palmer: This is so screwed up. Went to visit him and they say he hasn't moved ONCE!

August 27th, 2011

~Facebook Wall~

Palmer Dagos - Jesse is officially awake and will be back in school. Senior year baby, and we have our King back! HELL YAH!

Hannah Carlyle - (Palmer Dagos) - So what's the news on his eyesight. Rumors going around that they replaced his eyes because they actually FELL out of their sockets! 
-Palmer: Sure that's total BS. I don't know about his eyes. Their bandaged so we don't know.
-Darren: Well this is awesome. No need to worry guys, I'm sure Jesse's fine, and going to go straight to being Jesse again.

September 2nd, 2011

I tried my best to scope the halls for Hannah, but I couldn't see her anywhere. I guessed she was probably at the front of the school gloating to the freshman how she was their elder and now must be treated with respect. All summer, all she could talk about was how we were suddenly the rulers of this high school, and we were going to own this place. 

The other thing she continued to talk about was how much I'd 'blossomed' over the summer. If I told you I was completely Vogue Model worthy, I'd be lying. So I wasn't as pudgy as I was last year, and I had actually found a remedy for my horrible pimple problem. My hair was now silky and smooth, but I still had my imperfections. Like my awkward double chin that wouldn't go away, and the fact that I still needed my glasses, for reading.

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