Meeting The Team

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Ali gave me her practice shirt to wear (don't worry, its washed ;), it was a little big, but I didn't mind. I'm about to meet Marta! Five time world player of the year, like whaaaaaa! I can't wait! But, I'm also super nervous, one of my greatest fears is not being accepted, so lets hope they like me! I nervously holding onto Ash's arm as we are heading down to the hotel ballroom, which is currently a dining hall for the team. "Who do you sit with usually?" Just for a heads up for myself, "We sometimes alternate, but most of the time we sit with Marta, Chi (Ubogagu), Toni, Alanna, Dani, Rachel, and Syd." At a dinner table with some of the best players in the world, a dream come true. I know I'm totally fangirling right now, but I have a reason to. "I think I'm ready!" I jump up a couple times, like I'm waiting for kickoff, that makes Ash and Ali giggle.

We enter through the ballroom doors, and see barely anyone. Phew, dodged a bullet there. "Y/n, grab a plate, and help yourself!" It was a whole damn buffet, like those ones you see in Vegas, except its here! They had all four meals (including desert), and of course I went with Breakfast, cause why eat anything BUT Breakfast! It has all the food groups, I'm just sayin'. As I'm getting my food, someone comes up to me, its Alanna Freaking Kennedy! "Hey, I'm Alanna, your the new Harris-Krieger kid, right?" wAiT WhAt? Harris-Krieger? They are married?!!!? "Yeah, nice to meet you Alanna." I just played it cool, totally not freaking out on the inside, ya know. "Why not eat nothing but Breakfast, eh?" "Watch Parks and Rec?" That's been like my go to for 5 years, and I still haven't found someone to do a marathon with. "Yeah, its my favorite, watched since Season one." "Maybe we get back to Orlando, we could do a marathon." I totally haven't been waiting 5 years for someone to do a marathon with, I was about to add that, but Alanna then said to Ash, "Damn Ash, love the kid all ready, please say your are going to adopt her!" One down, 20 to go. I flashed a big smile, I also hope Ash adopts me.

Alanna and I make small talk about Parks and Rec until everyone else arrived in the dinning hall. Ash stood up, shit, I'm not ready, "So, all of you may have seen, after the game, I brought a girl on the bus. Her family were victims of a hit and run, and she was left alone. Minutes before, we had met, and I felt an instant connection," I saw a tear run down her face, "So I decided to adopt her. We are going to make everything final tomorrow, but for now, please welcome the newest addition to our family, Y/n!" Everyone clapped, a few had tears running down their faces *cough, Alex Morgan* I feel that they accepted me. "I love you mom." I said to Ash, now mom. She swept me up in a hug, which turned into a group hug, courtesy of Alanna. I didn't mind, I liked being around my family.

AN: Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! I just wanted to end this on a happy note, but this will go into a second part! I also want to have you and Alanna become really close, so just comment your thoughts! 

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