Show Them

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This is the day I have been waiting for, for two years. To confront my piece of shit coach. "Are you guys ready?" I couldn't wait any longer. "Yeah. But, the real question is, are you?" "Why wouldn't I be, I've waited for this moment for two years!" I said in sort of a duh tone. I picked up my bag and put it over my shoulder, and we made our way out the door, to outside where a Uber was conveniently waiting for us. "Where to?" I whispered it into Mom's ear, she then spoke to the driver, "Portland State University." We made the short drive to PSU, I was watching the city go by, "Was haben sie auf dem herzen?" 'Whats on your mind?'  "Ich weiß es nicht mehr." 'I don't even know anymore.' "Ach komm, ich weiß, da ist etwas." 'Oh, come on, I know there's something.' Gosh she sure wants to dig deep, "Ich muss mich nur konzentrieren!"'I just need to focus!' I snapped at her. I instantly felt bad, "Ich brauche nur platz, das fordert mich, tut mir leid." 'I just need space, this is taking a toll on me, sorry.'  "Sag es mir beim nächsten mal, ok?" 'Just tell me next time, ok?'  I nodded my head in agreement, and then put it on Ali's shoulder. Mom just looked so confused as to what just happend, but then seemed to let it go. 

We made it to PSU, I'm pretty sure I was shaking, because Ali whispered in my ear, "Sich beruhigen." 'Calm down.'  I just nodded, and we continued walking to the field. Once we arrived, all eyes were on us. "Hey everyone!" I tried to make it a little less awkward, than it already was. Everyone just came running in my direction. Is this a murder plot? Oh no, they were just giving me a group hug, "I thought you guys were going to kill me." They all laughed. My attention was diverted away from all them to Lydia, who was watching from a good distance away. I found a way out of the group hug, and went over to her. "Hey Lyds." I still use her nickname, "What's wrong?" She still doesn't respond. "I know something is bothering you, I have known you for years, I know something is wrong!" I say with a hint of anger in my voice. "I miss you. Alot. I knew what I did was wrong, but please, give me one more- chance." I loved her, alot. I won't lie about that. I missed hearing her sweet little accent, and having her in my arms, but she cheated. "Lyds, I miss you, alot, it would take alot for me to restore my trust for you-" She cut me off, "Please, I'll do anything, I just fucked up!" Yes, yes you did, "But I'll be moving across the country, and it would be so hard to make it happen, but, I'll be open to trying, under one condition." She sprang into my arms, "What is it?" Its stupid, but, "You kiss me, right here, right now, and also facetime me everyday." We laughed at the last part. We had only kissed each other on the cheek, so, "Ok." With that, she connected our lips, with no hesitation. It was quick, but felt like fireworks were going off in the background, I know that's so cliche, but its true. We walked back to the team, hand in hand, "THE OTP IS BACK TOGETHER!" Half the team shouts. We look at each other, and connect our lips, making the whole team hoot. After our kiss, I look at Mom who sends me a reassuring smile. "Oh, everyone, please let me introduce the elephants in the room-" I waved over Mom and Ali, "We have Ashlyn Harris-" I swear, after I said that, everyone looked so shook, "And this is Ali Krieger." I looked over to one of our defenders, who is a massive fan of Ali, and she looks like she just saw a ghost, then fainted, like literally fainted. "Someone get water." Ali just looked so shocked, "Shes a big fan." She let out a laugh, "Hasn't happend before." 

After we dealt with the casualty, we made our way to our coach. I was shaking yet again, "Baby, calm down, your going to be fine." It was Lydia. She held my hand, which made me a little less tense, but didn't make me stop shaking. "Ok, as you know today, we have a couple special guests, they will be helping us with practice today." We did our usual warm-ups, then got to practice. "Y/N! PICK YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS!" Yeah, it was that bad. I looked over to Mom and Ali, and they looked shocked. I continued on, and tried my best to "pick my head out of my ass" and brush it off. We then scrimmaged, and I of course was in goal. The other team kicked off, and immediately pressed our defense, which made our center back mess up and get turned, and led the forward to a wide open goal, with little me. She shot for top bin on the right, I shuffled two steps, then fully extended to then have the familiar feel of the ball in my hands, followed by cheering, and a yell, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? YOU JUST GOT LUCKY!" And of course it was our coach. By that time, Mom had her phone out and was recording what my coach was saying. The scrimmage went on with my team winning, because the top team's goalie was sitting on the ground, and Lydia hit a good ball from midfield, and it went in.

After the scrimmage, we finished practice with a mile around the track, which was easy. After everyone on the team besides Lydia and I left, I went up to my coach. "Hey, I want to say something. YOU made two years of my life living hell! Your lucky you still have me on your team! You need to pick your head out of YOUR ass! You are a verbally abusive dick! You don't deserve your job! You need to get a grip! Sure you going give me a dumb shit reason, but I want to know why you pick on me and not the "top team material" goalie you have sitting on the ground. I'm surprised that you didn't yell one of your old lines at her! You call that top tier goalkeeping, and then you see me save a ball from a top bin, I'm pretty sure my Mom, who is a pro, can't save that! Fich dich!" 'Fuck you'  I walk off feeling like a baller, until I feel a tap on my shoulder, them a hand make contact with my cheek, nothing worse then I have felt, honestly felt like a toddler hit me. "Really? Undefeated in my MMA league? I guess." I throw my hands up in a aggressive stance, but before I can do anything, I feel a pair of hands pull me back, "Let me go!" I say between gritted teeth, I try pulling out of the persons grip, but they have a solid hold. Lydia then kneels in front of me, "Look at me," I still was looking at our coach, "Look at me," Still had my glare shifted towards him. I felt a soft pair of lips on mine, and arms go around my neck. Lydia pulls away, "Look at me. You aren't going to do anything to him, the cops have been called, and your Mom has him, you are just going to stay right here with me, where you can talk to me about anything you want, besides him, we can just stay right here, and the cops will deal with him, ok babe?" I just nodded, and I felt the grip on me loosen, and then Lyds pulls me into a big hug, where we stay like that for a while, until she notices I'm crying. "Whats wrong baby? Tell me anything." I just felt so vulnerable at that moment, where all I could do is cry, cry until I had nothing left. Lyds just held me. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. I wanted nothing else, just that.

The police came and took care of my coach. After the whole situation, we went back to the hotel. Lydia got to stay the night. I cried myself to sleep in her arms. I woke up right back at the field, it was in a third person view. I walked around and saw everything happen in slow motion, and then replay again. It was like those paintings you see of battles from the Napoleonic period, where its a freeze frame of both sides clashing, it looked just like that. It was frozen at the moment where his hand was hitting my face, I could feel the pain. I then woke up back into reality, back in Lydia's arms, and I broke down. I woke her and Ali up, where one of them was on either side of me, and I fell back asleep.

AN: Phew, the tea is hot! That was a roller coaster ride! Getting back together with Lydia! That's just the start to more, so please stay tuned, comment, vote and everything in between! Your also welcome for two updates in one day! (And the free German lessons😂😂) Thanks so much for reading!

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