Whipped Cream and Adoption

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to Alanna shaking me, "Lets prank your Mom and Ali!" I nodded my head. Why the hell not, I'm not going to be a kid forever, well in Alanna's case that's not true. We decided on the classic whipped cream in the hand wake up. But first, we had to get the whipped cream. I decided to give it a try and look in the fridge and sure as hell there is whipped cream in there with a sticky note on it reading 'Ali', should have known. "Alanna! I got some!" I say in a whisper yell. "Yes! Lets go!" She celebrates, "Your going to wake them up you turd!" She looked at me like she was offended, "Damn, you got some sass!" I just let it go, and waved her over. I put the whipped cream in Mom's hand, then got a tissue and tickled under her nose. She goes to itch it, and sure enough, she has whipped cream all over her nose area. "YOU TWO ARE DEAD!" She says playfully, "Alanna, I would start running if I were you." She just nods, and bolts out of the door, a second later, I do the same. As we are running down the halls, with my Mom hot on our trail, we hear multiple doors open and groans, those then turn into laughs. Once Mom finally corners me, she takes a big scoop of the whipped cream and rubs it on my face, "OH, IT'S ON!" I run back to the room and search for the container of whipped cream, and see Ali is holding it, "Oh god..." She takes a big handful and just rubs it in. I manage to pry the can from her grip, and hit the Uno Reverse Card on her and take a handful of whipped cream and rub it in her face. While I still have the bottle of whipped cream, I go to find Mom. She isn't on the floor we are staying on, so I take the fast way and go to the stairwell, and find her there, chasing Alanna, still. I sneak up behind her, with whipped cream in hand, and make a nice little "hat" for her, "ALANNA! CATCH!" I toss the can of whipped cream, and she catches it, getting a nice handful and smearing it all over Mom's face. "Ok, lets go clean up, its the big day!" Holy shit! I completely forgot about that!

After the whipped cream battle, we all take turns showering, cleaning the whipped cream from everywhere. Mom and I get on nicer clothes, which for me is my Thorns jersey from the 2016 Season, with Nadia Nadim's name and #9 on the back, which I call my "formal" jersey. I literally wore it to a date with Lydia. Mom has a flannel and ripped skinny jeans on and of course, a snapback. I also decide last minute, to wear a Pride snapback that Mom gave me (I prefer Thorns, but 🤷‍♀️) We both make our way downstairs to team breakfast, me, of course, showing off the Thorns jersey. I walk up to the buffet, and grab bacon, sausage, french toast sticks, eggs, and top it all off, more bacon. I decide on just water to drink. I walk back to the table, trying to pull off a balancing act with two plates and a cup of water, Mom, thankfully, gets up and helps me. "Gosh Ash, are you sure she isn't your biologically?" Chi says. I look over and see my Mom with the exact same food on her plates. We all laugh. Chi decides to make super corny jokes and try to make us laugh, "Hey Ali, ask me if I'm wearing deodorant." "Are you wearing deodorant?""It's a secret." Another really corny one was, "Why isn't a koala a bear?""Because he didn't meet the koalafacations." This of course had Ali laughing, and Mom and I about to fall asleep. 

After 15 minutes of corny jokes with Chi (Ooooo, maybe she should start a show called 'Corny Jokes With Chi' I should maybe tell her that.) We went back up to the room to prepare ourselves for what was happening next. "Mom, can I go see Alanna before we leave?" While the rest of the team was flying back to Orlando that day, Mom, Ali and I were going to stay in Portland an extra day or so to get everything sorted out. "Yeah, you can. You know her room number right?"  "Yeah, I do." And with that, I was out of the room and heading down the hall to her room. As soon as I got to her door, I gave a loud knock, and literally 3 seconds later, the door opened to a smiling Alanna, and Emily Van-Egmond, me being the fangirl I am, my jaw dropped, I completely forgot she played for the Pride, she is an ICON! "This is Em-" Really Alanna. "Emily Van Egmond, why wouldn't I know!" I stuck out my hand for her to shake, she instead gave me a hug. Damn, the Aussies are friendly! 

Adopted By Ashlyn Harris (Original)Where stories live. Discover now