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AN: This is a really good song, it might make you cry. But, it does go really good with this chapter, so listen and enjoy.

Ashlyn's POV

"The bad news is that Y/n made through surgery and is in her room!" It took me a moment to comprehend what he said, "What does this mean..... OH MY GOSH! When can we see her?" I was getting looks from other people in the room, but I didn't care, all I cared about was if my girl was ok. "You can see her right now actually. Only two at a time though." We all looked around, "You and Ali should go first." Carli said without hesitation. "But don't you guys want to see her?" I swear, all of them groaned, literally at the same time. "Fine." I grabbed Ali's hand and faced the doctor, "You two up first?" I nodded. As the doctor led us to Y/n's room, I had butterflies in my stomach. "Shes right here." He steps aside. I walk in rather slowly, to see Y/n wide awake, with her knee fully wrapped up. She still doesn't notice us, "Hey kid." She flinches and turns towards us, "Mom, Ali!" Her face lights up, seeing her smile just makes the butterflies fly right out of my stomach. I go to her a give her a big hug, Ali does the same. "Has anyone told Lyds?" I grab her phone out of my pocket. "Here, facetime her." She gives me a appreciative smile, "Stay here, she'll probably give you a 'protect her with your life' speech, shes done it before." I let out a nervous chuckle, knowing how straight to the point that girl can be. I remember when we were staying at the hotel, and she SPECIFICALLY asked for avo toast without tomatoes, and, oh boy, did that girl hand it to that waiter! The guy came back 5 minutes later with a new piece of avo toast.

Y/n's POV

"Hey babyyyyyyy!" Lyds looks at me oddly, "You sound doped up." I laugh at that part, "I am a little bit-" She got furious, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" I give her a warning glare, "So long story short, I tore my ACL-" She seemed to have dropped her phone, cause the next thing I saw was the ceiling. "Get your Moms on the line, right now. Its that time again." I let out a big audible 'fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk' Mom and Ali's faces were priceless. "Language. Also, I'm guessing Lydia wants to talk?" I just gave a slow nod. In a few seconds, they were on either side of me on the bed. "Hey Ms. Harris, Ms. Krieger. So Y/n may have told you I do this, but if you do not take care of her then I will be in Orlando kicking down your door. So you better protect her with your life. You've seen that side of me before, and I don't want unleash it again. So if you don't protect my girl, then your dead meat." Mom gave a nervous laugh, "Yes ma'am!" Ali reached over me just to hit Mom. "Well now that is over, I love you, and I'll call you tomorrow?" I looked on the screen and saw her mouth wide open, "You just said you loved me-" I cut her off, "Of course I do. Whats not to love about you?" She gave me a smirk, "I know right? Anyways, yes I will call you tomorrow, also say hi to Alanna for me!" And with that the line cut off, "Yeah, I'll say hi to Lanna for you, ok, love you bye!" I continue to play out the conversation. "Oh, young love..." Mom sighs next to me, "I heard that." We all laugh and we just sit together in peace, enjoying each others presence.

So, they gave me some pain pill that made me super loopy, so that's like my current state right now. "Hey Y/n!" I looked over and saw Lanna or was it Carli, see this is what I'm talking about. "Hey Carlos..." Phew, it was Carli, "Whats up kid? You seem off." Of course she would be the one to pick up on this. "They gave me some pain pill and I'm like off the top, fucking loopy." She gave me her infamous glare, "Language." I threw my hands in the air, as if a ref just made a horrible call, "I can't help it. Sorry." She softens her glare just the slightest, "Why do you swear so much?" Well that's funny she asks, "My Dad would always let me swear, because he said if I let it all out now, I'll be clean by 18." She laughs, helping the whole hospital vibe seem a little less tense. "Really? I'm willing to place a bet on that. How does $100 sound?" I actually considered it, "Why the hell not?" We shook on it, then Kelly has to come bursting in, "Wheres my 100 dollars?" How did, what? "Worst. Possible. Timing. Kelly. Also you are getting nothing." She let out a sigh. "Hows the knee?" Reminder: Thank Carli later, "Well I can't feel shit, so I'm feeling pretty good." Right at that moment, I felt a jolt of pain in my knee. I then felt sick to my stomach, "Can someone grab a bin?" The pain just lingered there. Carli handed me a bin, right as it touched my hand, I threw up. "It's ok, just let it out. I'm right here." Carli comforted me as I continued spilling my guts into the bin, luckily, I had my hair still pulled back into the sloppy bun from Mom's practice. When I finally finished, Carli grabbed the bin from my hands and set it down on the floor, then crawled in the bed next to me, "Kels, go grab a doctor." She scurried out the room, into the hall, "Carlos, I feel like absolute shit right now. The wrap on my knee feels like fucking fire, and hurts like crazy. I'm just... scared." The doctor came in, and looked in the bin, like who the actual fuck would want to do that? I just fucking threw up in there, is he like fucking oblivious to that fact? "The pain medication. You can see the pills in the puke." I just nodded. "So..." Carli signaled for him to go on, "Shes going to have to put two more back in." Carli looked at me, "No. Hell to the no, to be more specific." I saw Kelly keep in a laugh. "Well then its forcing them down, and if that isn't your style, then force feeding it is." Carli looked absolutely furious, "She is not taking anymore of those. Do you see the amount of puke in that trash bin? Do you at least have anything lesser?" He thought for a minute, "Well we could give her Vicodin." 


I exited from under the bleachers. I stuffed the bottle of pills in the pocket of my sweatshirt, walking past a few people and into the bathroom. I scrambled to take out the bottle from my pocket, I looked inside, "Perfect." It was Vicodin, a full prescription of it. I opened the bottle and popped the first pill into my body. "Already feeling better." I said to myself. A girl then walked in, "Y/n, wh-why do you have that?" She says pointing to the bottle. I look up and see a familiar face, Lydia, "Why are you in here?" My blood is boiling, I just can't stop that from escaping my mouth. I continue getting angrier, "Get out!" I say with even more anger, "First, yo-you have to explain why you have those p-pills, Y/n." She says with fear in her voice, "Why would I do that?" I fire back. She then makes a swift move and removes the bottle from my hands and goes to the nearest stall, "STOP! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THAT?" I sprint into the stall. Too late, I see all the pills wash down the toilet, "Why? Those were my only outlet!" I then start breaking down into tears. Lydia's strong arms wrap around me, "Its ok to admit you need help. We all struggle."

*End of flashback*

My breathing starts getting heavier. "N-no, just go. Go figure it out." I break into a full panic attack. I cling onto Carli, "Just listen to my heart beat, and only focus on that, ok?" I nod and put my head on her chest, and listen to her heartbeat. I try evening out my breathing, but that only makes it worse, "Just listen to my heart beat and only focus on that, then try to even out your breathing, take it one step at a time." I continue to listen to her heartbeat, I focus on that, then go onto evening out my breathing. I finally calm down, "You want to talk about it?" I nod my head no, feeling they'll judge me for my past. I saw Mom whisper something to Ali, then they both head out, saying they are going to get food. "I feel like if I tell you the reason the thing happend, that you guys will judge me. It is kind of dark." I looked up and saw Carli had a 'go on' look on her face. "So it was Friday, and I went to the Varsity football game, but not to really watch the game necessarily, but to get pills-" I stopped and searched her eyes for judgement, and saw none, so I continued on, "There was this super sketchy kid I knew who could get me the pills, so we set up a meeting under the bleachers, so I just get him money and he gets me pills, so we did just that, and I was just craving them so bad at that moment, that I went into the bathroom and pried open the bottle and took one pill. I was going in for another, but someone came in, Lydia actually. I was getting angrier at her by the second, but she acted quick and got the bottle out of my hands and flushed it down the toilet. I then broke down saying it was my  only outlet. So she took me to her house, took care of me, called my parents made them aware of what was going on, then from then on was the one who was always there for me when I needed someone. She saved my life that day. So after a few months of her helping me, I grew a pair and asked her out, to the dance that was coming up." I looked up and saw Carli crying. "Your only 12, you don't deserve to have to go through that. I really need to repay Lydia for that." I let out a slight chuckle at the last part. But I knew exactly what she was referring to. Him. "Hey. I brought someone you might want to see." I hear the familiar Australian accent, "Lanna!" She was peeking her head around the door frame. She then walked in with Kyah Fucking Simon. You heard me right, but if you didn't, Kyah Fucking Simon. "I'm Kyah. I'm guessing you are Y/n?" I just nod my head like a crazy person, "Lanna has told me alot about you. Specifically crying to me that she lost a fitness challenge to a twelve year old." Lanna gave her a hard punch on the arm. "Yeah, she is a pretty soar looser." I tease. We just spend a good couple hours making small talk about soccer, and the Grand Finals from earlier this year, and how Melbourne City should have been in it. Then a whole other discussion about any team that Lanna is on, wins the Grand Finals (AN: True story). 

Lanna and Kyah say they are "tired" so they go back to their hotel. Everybody else makes their rounds. We kinda got yelled at by a grouchy old nurse, about having more than 2 people in the room, which in my defense, I didn't know that was a rule. Just throwing that out there! When visiting hours are over, Carli and Mom stay with me. I didn't get any sleep at all, due to my knee throbbing all night. At least I don't have to take THOSE pills. At about 3 am, I fall asleep. That didn't last long, due to that fucking grouchy ass nurse not closing the blinds, so that was an amazing wake up. "God damn, why can't someone close those fucking blinds!" Mom says half asleep. She then opens her eyes, "Oh, good morning!" Gosh, great actor. Directors would be beyondddddd impressed. "Morning Meryl Streep." She lets out a very tired laugh. "Soooooo funny."

AN: I wanted to end this chapter on kind of a light note, so thats the least I could do. I'm going to try to add music to the beginning of every chapter, so it might be rap, hip-hop, country or pop, so be prepared for anything! Hope you enjoyed! Please stay tuned for another chapter soon! Don't forget to smile! And have a good day (or night)!

Stay Awesome Possums!

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