Let Me Help You

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It's a beautiful sunny day, but Jinyoung was too numb to feel it. He didn't have enough sleep because of Mark. Until now, he's still thinking about what he said to him last night.

I like your sister. Help me with her.

And it kept on repeating in his head for a million times already. He rolled on his bed while kicking his feet in the air until he fell down from his bed and produced a loud thud on the floor as soon as he landed on it.

A few minutes later, Youngjae suddenly appeared in his room with a nervous face.

"Jinyoung?!" He called when he sees no one on Jinyoung's bed. "Where are you? Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine!" Jinyoung answered then he raised his foot for Youngjae to see where he was. He's actually lying on the floor after he fell down from his bed. "I... just fell down from my bed, but i'm still alive. Don't worry."

Youngjae shook his head as he pursed his lips at Jinyoung's silliness. He walked towards Jinyoung's bed and sat on it. "Come on, stand up. What happened to you? Did you have a nightmare again?"

Jinyoung sat on the floor and placed his chin on his bed while pouting. "Not a nightmare... because it's real."

Youngjae raised an eyebrow at Jinyoung. He doesn't get what Jinyoung wants to say. "Tell me."

"Youngjae I want to cryyy~"

"Why why why? Tell me!"

"It's about what Mark and I talked about last night."

"Ohh yeah about that..." Youngjae sat properly on the bed, preparing himself to listen to Jinyoung's story. "I want to know what did you guys talk about last night."

Jinyoung was staring at a corner when Youngjae asked Jinyoung to tell him everything about their conversation last night. "He likes JinE."

Youngjae gasped as he lifted his hand and placed it on his mouth in surprise. "Oh my god..."

"And he asked me to help him win her heart." He added as he sat on his bed.

"What?!" He widened his eyes after Jinyoung continued. Youngjae looked at Jinyoung with a confuse look and worried face. He didn't see it coming and he was totally shock. "And then? What did you say? Tell me more!"

---- Last Night ----

"I like your sister. Help me with her."

"What?! Are you crazy?" Jinyoung scowled after he heard Mark's statement. "Why would I help you?"

"Simply because she's your sister. You know her better than me."

Jinyoung stared at Mark's face with full of concern. If he could just tell Mark right away that he is JinE, then he will definitely do it. He doesn't want Mark to fall deeper for JinE. But the problem is he can't, he can't just easily tell Mark especially now that the situation is getting more complicated.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you." Jinyoung said, rejecting Mark's favor.

"But why?"

"My sister doesn't like you."

Mark shook his head, he doesn't believe what Jinyoung said. He's just lying. "It's not true. You just don't want to help me."

Jinyoung rolled his eyes at Mark's stubbornness. "I can help you with anything but not this."

"Jinyoung... please."

If he could just disappear right in front of this annoying human being who's showing a gloomy face just for him to agree with it, maybe it already happened.

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