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"Okay I'm ready." Mark said as he sat properly on the couch with a pen and a notebook in front of him.

After asking Jinyoung to help him court JinE, Mark begged Jinyoung once again to come over his house and plan their first move. And now, he's sitting beside this annoying human being helping him how to court his own self.

"You're really serious about this, aren't you?" Jinyoung asked Mark in disbelief.

"Yes so come on let's start now. Tell me what are the things that JinE likes."

"What she likes?" Jinyoung roamed his eyes around as he tried to think about the things that he likes. "Like everything that my sister likes?"

Mark eagerly nodded his head at him.

"Okay." He pursed his lips while thinking about what kind of facts he should give to Mark. Something that won't reveal himself. "She likes to eat."

After Jinyoung said the first fact about himself, Mark immediately wrote it down on the paper.

"She likes eating unhealthy foods, hamburger, pizza and meat. But she loves to melt chocolate and eat it with strawberries."

"Wow~ your sister is cool." Mark complimented. "Do you know her favorite color?"

"Yeah... kinda. Okay, she likes black and white. She likes watching movies. Her favorite genres are romantic, comedy, and horror. She likes reading also, it's her way of improving her communication skills. Other than watching movies and reading,  she also likes watching theater plays, playing piano, and taking walks."

"That's why she likes walking from school going home?"

"No." Jinyoung shook his head. "Since she's the only girl, we take good care of her. So Jaebum always sends and picks her up from school, but nowadays Jaebum is busy that's why she prefers to walk going home."

"Hmmm." Mark hummed as a response. "Okay let's continue."

"I think you should know her personality as well. My sister is a hard working person. She's also generous and open to other people. And also, she's serious, calm, and soft spoken."

"How about the kind of date that she likes?" Mark asked. "If I asked her on a date, I want to know the things that she wanted to do."

"Date?" Jinyoung repeated it. No one ever ask him on a date so he doesn't know what kind of date he wants. "I... Actually... anything is fine I think?"

Mark raised his eyebrows at Jinyoung.

"Just..." He leaned his back on the couch to avoid Mark's gaze. "You can ride a bike with her. She feels relax every time she's riding a bike. Perhaps you can do that with her."

Applying Jinyoung's advice will be Mark's next plan. Since Jinyoung told him that JinE likes eating, Mark always bought foods for her. He also accompany JinE going home after school.

For Mark, reading a book is kinda boring. But since JinE likes it, he also started reading some novels that she likes.

"Mark..." Sana called Mark who's busy reading a novel. "Mark..."

Mark looked up to her when she kept on calling him. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry for interrupting you..." Sana started then she looked at the book that he's reading. "I didn't know that you like reading novels."

He glanced at the book before he closed it and shoved it under the desk. "JinE recommended me to read it."

"Ahh I see, so it was JinE who recommends you to read it."

Love Me The Same (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz