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For Mark, that was the most painful confession that he had ever heard. "How could you do this to me?" He whispered. "How could you do this to me?!"

"I'm sorry." Jinyoung mumbled. His tears started rolling down on his cheeks. "I'm really sorry."

Mark lightly shook his head in disbelief. His tears welled from his eyes, but he tried his best not to let them fall. He didn't want Jinyoung to see him crying. "Let's break up."

Jinyoung widened his eyes upon hearing Mark's statement. Then he shook his head, disagreeing at Mark's decision.

"From now on, I don't know you anymore."

"Wait!" He took a step forward, getting closer to Mark. But he was hesitant to continue taking more steps. "Please let me explain."

"I already told you, I don't need your explanations."

"Just hear me out first, please. Please Mark."

"And what do you expect me to do or say after hearing you out? That... it's okay. I forgive you and I understand why you did it. Like that? You don't know how hurt I am right now." Mark said. And the tears that he was holding, finally escaped from his eyes. "I love you so much that I even tried to protect you from those people who called you liar, a poser. But in the end, they were right. Everything was actually true! And I was really a fool to believe you."

"No, no you're not a fool." Jinyoung insisted as he continued crying.

"So what? Did you have fun watching me being fooled by you?"

"Mark... listen please." Jinyoung took the courage to step closer to Mark and held both of his hands.

But Mark yanked them away. "Stay away from me! I don't want to hear any of your lies. No more, I'm done with you."

"I did lie about my identity, but my heart didn't lie. Everything that you heard from me might be lies, but when I say I love you. Believe it. Because I do really love you, Mark."

"But I don't love you anymore." Mark turned around and was about to leave, but Jinyoung stopped him. He wrapped his around Mark's waist.

"Please don't go." Jinyoung begged while hugging Mark behind. "Listen to me, I need to hide my real identity it's because---"

"Stop." Mark looked at Jinyoung's arms wrapped around him. He held it and slowly released himself from Jinyoung's hug. He let go of Jinyoung's hand before facing him. "You already lied to me. How am I supposed to listen to you? So... just stop."


"We're done." Cutting Jinyoung's statement once again. He placed Jinyoung's phone on his palm, returning the phone to its real owner. "I don't want to see you anymore."

That was his last statement before he turned around and left Jinyoung in his room, crying and devastated. Jinyoung glanced on his old phone and he cried. He cried as he slowly dropped his knees on the floor.

The house was totally dark when both Jaebum and Youngjae arrived. Jinyoung just stayed at home the whole day, but he didn't even turn on the lights. That's what made them confused.

They went upstairs while calling Jinyoung's name, but the younger didn't respond. Jinyoung's door was open. They got inside, turned the lights on and saw Jinyoung spacing out on the floor.

"Jinyoung! What happened?" Youngjae yelled while running to Jinyoung.

Jinyoung was sitting on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest while leaning his back at the side of his bed. He was looking into a corner while crying silently.

Love Me The Same (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz