Approval (Revised)

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Papers and books were scattered on Jinyoung's desk, he was actually studying but his mind couldn't stop thinking about what Mark told him. Mark just asked him out on a date. A date. Something that he would never thought Mark would tell him.

"Let's go on a date."
"Let's go on a date."
"Let's go on a date."

"Ahhhhhh!" Jinyoung cried in frustration while ruffling his hair. He wanted to forget about it, but Mark's statement kept on repeating on his mind.

He slumped his head on his desk while murmuring. "What should I say? Should I say yes? No? I'm not sure? I can't answer it!"

"Why you can't answer it?"

Jinyoung widened his eyes and he immediately pulled his head up as soon as he heard Youngjae's voice in his room. He turned around and saw Youngjae looking at him. "Ohh Youngjae~"

"Are you studying?" Youngjae asked with his brows furrowed in confusion and he kept on glancing at Jinyoung's desk.

"Yes, I... I am actually doing my homework." Jinyoung answered awkwardly.

"I heard a while ago you said you can't answer something. Is your homework difficult?"

"Ahm... yes! Yeah, there's a difficult question but it's okay, I can find a solution to it."

"Do you want me to help you with it?" Youngjae offered and started approaching Jinyoung's desk but Jinyoung stopped him.

"It's okay! There's no need. Why are you here by the way?" Jinyoung tried to change the topic.

"We heard a shout from your room, so I came to check if everything is alright."

"Ahhh~ that's why." Jinyoung cooed while scratching the back of his head with an awkward smile. "But I'm fine, so nothing to worry about."

But Youngjae wasn't convinced at Jinyoung's statement especially when his actions were contrasted to it. He thought that something was bothering Jinyoung because his actions were strange as well. "Okay. Dinner is ready. You should go down now."

"Yes, I'll follow."

"What happened to him?" Jaebum asked after Youngjae came out from Jinyoung's room and headed downstairs to where Jaebum is, placing their meal on the table.

"Nothing. He just said he has a difficult homework. But I don't believe him. He's acting really strange and he was murmuring something when I got into his room. You need to talk to him."

"That kid. He's keeping something once again."

Youngjae wanted to say something, but he decided to stay silent when they both heard Jinyoung's footsteps going down.

While having their dinner, Jinyoung kept on glancing at Youngjae and Jaebum who's eating silently. He wanted to tell the two about Mark's invitation to have a date with him, but it seems like the atmosphere was quite different.

On the other, Jaebum and Youngjae were just waiting for him to talk. They don't normally eat in silence, but the couple stayed silent to let Jinyoung expressed his problem to them. Minutes had passed and Jaebum couldn't wait any longer, he doesn't like Jinyoung acting strange in front of them so he decided to break the silence.

"Do you want to say something, Jinyoung?" Jaebum asked him in his stern voice, he looked at Jinyoung making the younger to feel scared.

"Ahm..." Jinyoung glanced at Jaebum then to Youngjae then he hanged his head low once again.

"Youngjae said that you're acting weird and I totally agree to it base on what I see now."

He lifted his head and looked at Youngjae who nodded his head, encouraging him to tell them about something. He's living with them for a long time already, so there's no way that he could lie because the two know him so well.

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