Goner Part 1

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Summary: Possibly the most important press conference of Peters life is interrupted by someone who has a target in mind.

Peters POV
To say that Peter was nervous was the biggest possible understatement anyone could say. Peter had gone his whole life being known as 'puny Peter Parker', but today was the day that all changed. Today was the day that it was revealed to the world that Peter was Tony and Pepper Stark's biological son.

So yeah Peter was just a bit anxious. For him calling the Avengers aunt and uncle were normal and he liked to think his life was pretty normal. However he knew any chance of normalcy would be taken away today. His thoughts were interrupted when none other than Tony Stark walked into his room.

"Hey Peter. Ready for the press conference? I notice you're all dressed up already," his dad said as Peter adjusted his tie in the mirror. Peter just gave a shaky nod, "I guess, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous."

"Don't worry I get it. And I'm not gonna lie things are going to be a whole lot different for you know. But hey remember we're taking this one step at a time, it's not like we're revealing that you're Spider-Man," Tony put in.

A small smile played on Peters lips. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm ready... I think." Tony chuckled and put his arm around his son's shoulder. Together the walked out of his room and into the elevator.

"FRIDAY take us to level 23 please."

"Of course mini-boss."

As the elevator descended Peter couldn't shake an odd feeling in his gut that something wasn't right. He passes it off as nerves.

Once outside of the elevator, Pepper greets them and leads down a hallway to a door that Peter recognized as the press conference room. He could already here murmurs behind it.

He took a deep breath and opened the door with his parents following. The room immediately quieted down as the trio made their way to the front of the room. Tony spoke first, "I would like to thank you all for coming here today and we'll make sure to keep this short. As you know I have a very important announcement. I would like to introduce my son, Peter Stark."

The room was suddenly filled with flashes and questions being shouted out. Tony put his hand out to silence the room and then gestured to Peter. Peter takes a shaky step forward and starts with, "Hello. My Name is Peter Stark. As you know-"

Peters well practiced speech was interrupted by the lights flickering. He cleared his throat and tried again, "As you know my parents-"

The lights completely went out and it was pitch black. There were a couple screams heard throughout the room. Peter knew this wasn't some faulty powering, they were in the Stark Industries after all. "Peter? Where are you?" he heard his dad whisper somewhere off to the left . Before Peter could answer he felt a sharp prick in the back of his neck. Peter tried to scream but found himself collapsing. He expected to hear a thump, but instead he felt foreign arms catch him.

Before he could react, his mind slipped into unconscious.

Peter woke up with a throbbing pain in his head. He forced his eyes open and immediately shut them as a bright light flooded his view. After a few seconds he slowly opened his eyes again to find himself in a dark, musty room with a lamp shining on him.

Is this some interrogation crap, he thought to himself. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at his stereotypical situation he found himself in. Any joking thoughts were quickly snuffed out as he found himself chained to a wall and sitting on concrete.

He tried to yank against the cold metal cuffs, but he still felt very weak from whatever the mystery man injected him with. Peter's heart rate started to rapidly increase as the full extent of his situation dawned on him. He was kidnapped. And he couldn't escape.

Before Peter could fall into a full fledged panic attack, the door in front of him opened. A man dressed in a black suit walked in and sat himself on the floor across from Peter with a devilish smirk. Rather than what the spiderling was expecting, the man was... polished. His hair was slicked back with gel, his scruff was neatly shaven, and his black dress shoes shined with prestige. But what unsettled him the most was the pearly white, toothy grin he gave him.

Peter couldn't help but shiver. The man didn't seem to notice as he continued to smile. "Let's start with introductions shall we? I'm Dave Westenbock, but you will address me as sir or master. Anything else and you'll be punished. You'll quickly learn that the punishments here aren't so... fun."

Peter couldn't help it, he shivered again. The man obviously noticed this at the way his grin stretched wider. "Ah, already afraid of me I see, very good. Now you're probably wondering where here is, but that doesn't concern you. What concerns you is the why. So I'll make it snappy. I know you're spider-man, but I could care less about that."

"What? Are you holding me for ransom?" Peter spit back. Peters spidey senses spiked as the man lunged at him and struck him across the face. The teenager let out a cry of pain.

"Rule 1: you do not speak out of turn. And as for your question, my answer is no. I'm good when it comes to money. But you see, I'm not so good when it comes to your dad. Tony Stark."

Peter didn't miss the disgust in the mans voice when he said his fathers name. Already feeling a welt forming on his cheek he didn't dare interrupt again. The man continued, "Your father ruined me. He ruined my reputation and lifestyle. My mafia is completely destroyed because of the so called hero," he sneered.

Peter started to panic once again. Did this maniac want revenge? And how was he involved? Peter couldn't help but know the answer and I'm that moment he knew it: he was a goner.

1049 words!

Thank you for reading this and feel free to give feedback. It would mean so much if you shared this story with your friends! I'll be back with part 2 soon! Poor Peter 😭


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