Meeting the other girls

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Hi I'm Mila what's your name? I'm Catie it's nice to meet you with that we held hands and became friends immediately.

Then Kayla, Karly and Brandi come on the bus with long blonde hair slicked back and the same outfits. We are cousins said Kayla . I said I thought you were triplets. We all laughed. Then Ally , Jessie and Laura came on the bus.

Mila had black hair like me . Ally and Jessie have four different shades of color dye in their hair.

We arrive to our destination and Mr Jay comes up and tells us we will be staying in Los Angeles we all started screaming like crazy.

Do you know what's even crazier girls a very well known person is your photographer this week.

We heard someone say me and turned around and realized it was Tyra Banks I almost passed out.

I said to Mila Tyra being our photographer is going to be grueling because if we don't do good for her she'll be really upset with us and I don't want that to happen.

Of course Tyra heard me say that and she laughed at me and said I won't be that hard on you. I love you girls to death already you're all very precious. Mila we must be dreaming she called us all precious I screamed. Ally laughed at me are you having a fan girl moment? Yes I am.

Oh Cat you're so adorable Tyra said to me.
I'll get your signature later.

No worries I'll totally give it to you later.

I let out an un human fangirl shirk.

Aww I love you Babe.

I love you too Tyra.

I can tell.

You girls go get some rest your photoshoot will be tomorrow

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