A Nightmare

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"You need to come to the hospital." She screamed in the phone. I said I was on the way and hung up.  I let Tae know that my lil sis called me crying and that I needed to get to my car. He dropped me off and I told him I would hit him up later when I found out what was going on.  I hop in my car flushing trying to get to the other side of town. So many thoughts running through my mind. Is something wrong with KC?? Gabe?? Dani?? I didn't know what to think.  Lord I'm just praying everything is ok. I pull to the front of the hospital and let the valet park my car. I run in emergency room to find Dani. "What's wrong? What's going on??" I asked in a panic not seeing KC set off an immediate red flag. "Jess there was an accident. " Gabe said "KC and Tammy were leaving the movies and a car hit them head on." I instantly burst into tears. "Where is he? Where is my brother? " I screamed. By this time Dani had gotten up to grab me. I shrugged away and I heard Gabe tell Dani "be careful." Dani whispered he's in ICU they are running some test, but he's stable. " "What  about Tammy?" I asked. She just got beat up real bad from the air bag. They ran some test and she's ok." She answered. I'm completely freaking out by now. I could not lose KC. Whether we were getting along or not he was still my big brother and I loved him regardless. I couldn't believe how calm Dani was through all this. Our only brother was fighting for his life. "Dani how are you so calm while KC is back there fighting for his life." I yelled. "I have to be Jess.... she paused....for us" she said as she rubbed her stomach.........

This was just too much coming at me at one time.  I stumbled back into a chair in the waiting room. It felt like the room was spinning.  My sister just turned 18. She has her whole life ahead of her. And then KC. He's always been the strong one that knew what to do. I looked up and saw Tammy and the doctor coming towards us.  "Ms Long." He said walking up to me. I motioned for Dani to come over too. "Your brother is a very lucky man. Thankfully he didn't suffer any internal bleeding or head trauma. He does have a couple of bruised ribs and a busted knee, but he and Ms James here, are very lucky to be alive." He continued "He will be free to come home in a couple of days. You all are more than welcome to go back and see him if you would like." I tell Dani and Gabe to go ahead.  I had to get myself together. I haven't seen my brother in a month and I wasn't prepared to see him like this. As I'm walking down the hallway I can't keep the tears from falling. I open the door and there he was. My heart lit up because when he saw me he kind of smiled. "Come give your big brother some love." He said. "Ain't you happy im alive. Quit all that crying. " He said in a calm stern voice. I leaned down to give him a soft hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I am happy you all are here though, this is as good of a place as any. I have something to tell all of you........"

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