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My phone was ringing off the hook. Back to back to back. I wasn't picking up for anybody. I was on a mission, Gabe was going to get what he deserved tonight.  After all the shit he's done in these past couple of weeks it was only right that he find out what happens when you hurt a Long. I had snatched Dani's key before I left since she said he was out with one of his homeboys. I swear all I could see was red. This was going to be the last time this nigga put his hands on anyone that I care about. I parked my car at a different building and walked over to Dani's apartment. Gabe's car wasn't there so I used the key to let myself in. I swear I must have paced back and forth a hundred times waiting on him to walk through that door. The minutes felt like hours. Then, I heard a key turning. I hid behind the door. It was Gabe and it was time he was taught a lesson. He closed the door behind him and "Smack" I hit him with the bottom of my pistol. He fell to the ground. "So you thought it was ok to put your hands on my sister." I asked. By the look in his face he knew I didn't come to play. "You got away with what you did to Tae but you won't get away with beating on my little fucking sister." I cocked the gun and just as I was about to pull the trigger someone grabbed it.....

"Girl give me that damn gun and get the hell out of here." KC said in a stern voice. "No KC, you saw what he did to Dani. I'm  tired of his shit." I screamed back. But i could tell by the look on KC's face that he was serious and some shit was about to go down. I turned to walk out the door and two other men went running past me. One of them turned and looked at me. I could have sworn it was Sean, but I kept walking. I wasn't  even up for his shit tonight and I'm sure he knew better than to pull his shit tonight. The closer I got to my car I starter to hear Gabe screaming and pleading for them to stop but he had no idea the hell he had unleashed. KC was on the same mission I was on. This was going to be the last of Gabriel Santana.

Dani POV:
I can't believe this. I was so in love with Gabe that I was blind to the real him. How couldn't I see that he was abusive. He had me so wrapped in his lies. Now look what happened. Im sitting here bruised and beat. I knew Jess was going to flip when she saw Gabe. We all we got and one thing we don't play about is family. I knew if she didn't kill him KC and his boys would, but that's exactly what he deserves after he made me lose my baby......

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