Chapter 1: A New Mission and Client.

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It was a beautiful day at the small town of Amity Park, Minnesota. At one particular apartment-like building lives a young 30 year old man. He had messy black hair, icy blue eyes, and a good muscle built. 30 year old Harry Fenton maybe an ordinary man, but he is much more than that. Harry is a scientist, engineer, businessman, and founder of Fenton Works, which is a ghost hunting and research company. Harry is also a good friend to the well famous inventor and businessman Howard Stark, the founder of Stark Industries. During World War Two, which ended 3 years earlier, he, along with Stark, worked on various government projects, including the Manhattan Project, which created the first atomic bomb, Project Rebirth, which gave birth to the well known super soldier and war hero Captain America, and helped the Strategic Scientific Reserve fight against HYDRA. He also helped Stark constructed the second shield of Captain America, and after the war, Stark and himself located the Tesseract, which had been lost in the Atlantic Ocean after Captain Steve Rogers, who is known as Captain America, disappeared. After war, he would help his good friend and S.S.R. agent Peggy Carter stop Whitney Frost. But, for Harry, he is well known for his research on the paranormal, the dimension that ghost researchers have come to called the Ghost Zone, and the Halfa Theory, which he believe it is possible for a person to be a half human-half ghost hybird, which he calls a Halfa. Many people thinks he's crazy for they believe ghosts aren't real, but Harry is dedicated to his research, he had some clients who had dealt with ghost problems of their own, which he neutralized them all, and he has proof that ghosts are indeed real, and his past clients believes him. Anyway, Harry has started his day when one of his assistants walked through the front door.

"Good morning, Harry." the man greeted.

"Good morning, Tommy." Harry greeted.

Tommy Mitchell is a young assistant for Harry. Like his boss, Tommy is also fascinated on the paranormal and the so-called Ghost Zone. Harry noticed Tommy was holding multiple files.

"I see you have files. Any ghost related news?" Harry asked.

"Yes. Something odd happened at Peru last night." Tommy said.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

Tommy then set a few black and white pictures of a glowing pyramid.

"This is the Tetrahedron. Have you heard of it?" Tommy asked.

"Yes. The Artifact of Clockwork's Tower. No human or ghost is a match for it, except for the ghost known as Clockwork. The Tetrahedron acts like the Tesseract in a way." Harry replied. "What happen to it?"

"It's been stolen." Tommy asked.

"Who would steal the Tetrahedron. Do you know how dangerous it is? It's power is unmatch for." Harry said. "Any reports on who stole it?"

"The local people at the nearby village reported seeing multiple ghosts, neon green, red pupiless eyes, razor sharp teeth, brutal beings. And interestingly, there was one person there with the ghosts." Tommy replied.

"One person? Did they get a good look?" Harry asked.

"No." Tommy replied.

"All right, we'll send a few of our scientists there to investigate, and contact the S.S.R.." Harry said before he gets up and heads for his lab, which is at the basement.

"What else you have for me?" Harry asked.

"We have a new client. A Izzy Greenberg contacted Fenton Works yesterday." Tommy replied.

"Izzy Greenberg? Isn't that the guy that invented that machine that swirls cellophane around deli toothpicks?" Harry asked.

"Yes, that's the guy." Tommy replied.

"It's a good invention. I saw it at a inventors convention." Harry said. "Anyway, why does Mr. Greenberg needs us for?"

"His daughter has been attacked by ghosts for the past three days. Mr. Greenberg had managed to somehow thwarted them off. One of our past clients knew him and told him that he should contact us." Tommy replied.

"How old is she?" Harry asked.

"30, sir." Tommy replied.

"So, same age as me. Did Mr. Greenberg leave a description on the ghosts?" Harry asked.

"Interestingly, the ghosts reported describes the ones in Peru." Tommy said.

"Well then. Let's put the ghost threat level to red." Harry ordered.

"You think there's a connection?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know. That's what we gotta find out." Harry asked. "Okay, let's call everyone in, contact the S.S.R., and then we'll head for the Greenbergs and meet our client. Where's Bauer?"

"He's still on his vacation at South America. He won't come back till tomorrow." Tommy replied.

"All right. Let's get to work." Harry replied.

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