Chapter 2: Meeting the Client.

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Chapter 2: Meeting the Client.

Harry was driving his car to the Greenberg's place. After getting the address, he gets some of his Fenton equipment before heading there. He arrived at the address. The place is a huge mansion. Harry has been to some of Howard Stark's mansions, but nothing like this. The grass was greener, there was a huge garden, and a fountain at the entrance.

"Just like Stark." Harry said.

Harry parked his car at the front of the entrance, before climbing up the stairs and knocked on the front door. A few seconds later, a butler answered the door.

"Good morning, sir." the butler said in a British accent.

"Hello. I'm Harry Fenton of Fenton Works, Mr. Greenberg called me about a ghost problem." Harry said.

"One moment. Please wait here." the butler said before leaving to find his boss. A few seconds later, he reappeared. "Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg will now see you, sir."

The butler took out Harry's coat and hat before he guides Harry to the mansion's living room. It was fancy. There was expensive furniture, expensive antiques, and a large fireplace. There were two people sitting on their chairs reading books. One of them was a older gentleman wearing a business suit while there was a older woman wearing a purple dress. The man then noticed Harry. He closes his book before getting up from his seat.

"Mr. Fenton, thank you for coming." the man greeted, shaking Harry's hand. "I'm Izzy and this is my wife, Susan."

"Ma'am." Harry greeted as he kissed Susan's hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Fenton." Susan greeted in a kind voice.

"Please sit." Izzy guided Harry to one of the chairs.

"Thank you for calling me. Umm, I understand you have a ghost problem." Harry said.

"Yes. I never thought ghosts were real. I thought you and one of my associates were crazy, but I was wrong." Izzy said.

"That's understandable. Anyway, can you explain what happen?" Harry asked.

"It happen three days ago. My daughter Ida was in her room and visiting us when it occurred. I walked in after I heard her scream. There was three green ghosts going after her. I was able to get those ghosts away from her but they have been after her again for the next two nights." Izzy asked.

"One of Izzy's associates recommended that we called you. Can you help?" Susan asked.

"I will do whatever I can to repel this ghost problem." Harry said.

"Thank you." Izzy said. "Mr. Fenton-"

"Please, call me Harry." Harry said.

"Harry... Ida is our only daughter. Our only child for that matter. She is a treasure to me. She may be 30 years old, but she'll always be my baby girl. She more than my invention, my wealth, this house." Izzy said.

"Mr. Greenberg, I'll do whatever I can to protect her." Harry said. "Anyway, is your daughter here?"

"No, but she should be arriving back soon." Izzy replied.

"Okay, while I wait, do you mind if I bring my equipment inside and check the crime scene?" Harry said.

"Go ahead." Susan replied.

A few minutes later, Harry brought his briefcase and went up to Ida's bedroom, with Izzy watching. Harry opens the briefcase to reveal his numerous Fenton ghost gadgets. Izzy was impress with Harry's inventions.

"These inventions. They're incredible." Izzy said. "I saw you at that inventors convention a few years ago. Gotta say, you're inventions are nice."

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